Example sentences of "we [modal v] [verb] it for [art] " in BNC.

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1 But if they nevertheless persist in making that perambulation in the manner aforesaid , we must endure it for the present , and await an opportune time to amend it .
2 We must express it for the world to see and to believe .
3 Mm , we 'll rough it for a while , because I know the downers , the only thing that Mike wants to do is put the fence and the gate up the side
4 For a meal , and like , we were really keen to try this and everything , and we , we did n't , we sort of kept saying , oh shall we open this bottle tonight , and they said no , we 'll save it for a special occasion .
5 ‘ I can hardly wait , ’ he said drily , ‘ but perhaps we could leave it for a couple of years ? ’
6 We could introduce it for a trial period , we could
7 We thought it was so good that we 'd do it for the old people 's home .
8 Well that 's alright , we need it we shall need it for the
9 We shall need it for the forty foots .
10 Yes … take your time , we will keep it for the Wednesday edition .
11 But if every man here used his vote as he should and put a Labour government not only in the State of New South Wales but throughout the dominion , not only throughout the dominion but the Commonwealth , not only in the Commonwealth but throughout the world — ’ Bobby was enjoying himself now and so were most of his audience , standing under the afternoon sun. ’ — then the working man will have his true voice and he will make it heard in the corridors of power , for we will be the new power then — and we will use it for the greater good of all .
12 Well at least we can plan it for the week then .
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