Example sentences of "we [modal v] [verb] [verb] [indef pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The goalscoring situation is uppermost in our minds and we may have to do something about that .
2 Erm missing procedures we have decided that Jenny is going to write T G I , Beety will write B T and we are going to write something on access and we may need to write something on erm Health and Finance and those documents we have got in the Master File .
3 ‘ If the Europeans fight like hell over new investment and where European headquarters should be , maybe we should consider running everything from here in Detroit , the way it used to be .
4 We should have done something like the RAND health insurance experiment .
5 To marry by special licence , and if necessary without her parents ’ permission , so that before I went away again we should have become one in body as we were in — dare I say spirit ? — at any rate , in mind .
6 The head estimates that : overall we must have put something like £2000 into the library in terms of pure cash and obviously almost the equivalent in terms of hours of time given .
7 We 'll have to do something with Alex 's cos that thing 's still on the front .
8 — ‘ If there is a Taig , ’ he said , ‘ you realise we 'll have to do something about it . ’
9 Oh dear , we 'll have to do something about this .
10 Then we 'll have to tip someone on the floor .
11 Why do you think we 'll have to have one like that ?
12 We ai n't got Maureen today so we 'll have to find somebody in place of her .
13 We 'll have to send someone after him .
14 So we need to get some if we 're going to work on ordnance survey ones we 'll need to sort something on that .
15 We 'll need to do something about that .
16 ‘ Look , if it does n't work out , come back and see us and we 'll try to do something for you , OK ? ’
17 I tell you what we 'll do , we 'll try to find someone on the way who knows the counter-spell and send him back to wake the Gnomes up . ’
18 We might , however , usefully make " trust " the focal point of a drama in which , for example we examined when it is appropriate to trust someone , or how we might learn to trust someone in difficult circumstances , or how we can gain someone 's trust — but this is very different from the worryingly naive claims sometimes made for " trust games " .
19 was a bit drunk one afternoon at about four o'clock and he said , ‘ If it was just an ‘ oul book we could have done something for you but with marrying this foreign woman you 're a hopeless case . ’
20 We could have got lots of glossy pics in HMV and Virgin .
21 ‘ A few people told me it could n't be done but the prep races all fitted into his programme and we would hope to do something along similar lines next time .
22 On the simple computer described above we would have to do something like the following :
23 That fine piece of legislation would have long since passed into law and we would have had lots of time to spend on Opposition days , motions of censure and other matters on which we could spend our time much more effectively .
24 You and I might have done the same if we had been there , though we would have had none of the technical skill and detailed knowledge of Fleming .
25 We would like to ask everyone in the Secondary Schools of Edinburgh to join in by encouraging as many students and teachers as possible to travel to school by bicycle that day .
26 ‘ Although 1992 was an excellent year and we would like to thank everyone for their support , we are always on the look out for new members . ’
27 We would like to warn everybody to be on their guard against unsolicited ‘ tradesmen ’ , ’ he said .
28 Well I think much as I welcome the university proceeding down the road that it is , erm I have a very , very strong feeling that change is going to come from the bottom up , and I think that it 'll come from the bottom up in those colleges , like New College , who have got an increasingly large number of women fellows who feel that , you know , there 's safety in numbers and we can start to do something about it .
29 Swiftly , now , before the deep-freezers , the dehydrators and the emulsifiers take the syllabub away from us and return it transformed and forever despoiled , let us discover how it was made in its heyday and what we can do to recapture something of its pristine charm .
30 I have no doubt that the majority of staff working in this difficult field do their job with compassion and professionalism , but this trial has shown that we can afford to take nothing for granted .
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