Example sentences of "we [verb] with [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My photographic equipment was a bit limited by the fact that as a leader I was required to carry a heavy hunting rifle all the time we were ashore , just in case we met with a polar bear in a nasty mood .
2 " It has been dinned into the ears of our members without hesitation or scruple , and we repeat with the greatest force at our command that seamen , to whatever class they may belong , are false to themselves , to their cause and to their country in taking any course that may , even in the smallest degree , weaken the hands of those responsible for the conduct of the present campaign against the most ignoble foe that it has ever become Britain 's duty to tackle " .
3 There was a lavatory in the garden — no grass — which we shared with an Irish family who lived on the floor above us .
4 I would propose that we explore with the Managing Director a possibility of a deal at the higher end of this range but this may mean some form of earnout .
5 We disagree with the whole basis of that argument .
6 The reason why company law should have been so concerned to legitimate the power of corporate managers is that this power potentially threatens the political-economic organization we associate with a liberal democracy .
7 What I can say in the former case , at best , is " This is how people tend to look when they feel joyful " or " This is the kind of physical expression ( or behaviour ) that we associate with the joyous state " .
8 It nevertheless seems clear that the brand of Whiggery we associate with the Walpolean ascendancy of the 1720s and 1730s was very different from that which had been predominant for much of the later-Stuart period .
9 ‘ I realised in this day and age that people are looking for something that wee bit different , and we found with the long spell of bad weather we 've had over the summer months that people want to stay inside , ’ explained Mr Nelson .
10 The first two hours knock us into shape , however , as we battle with the boulder-strewn approach to Condoriri .
11 We experimented with a new Editor who wrote and commissioned interesting and often controversial articles , but this approach was competitive with the British Sunday press and I discovered that " controversial " can be distasteful .
12 After a more general treatment of the direct vs indirect tax debate , we conclude with a brief look at recent reforms of local taxation and social security benefits .
13 We conclude with a brief discussion of the interaction of some recent participatory initiatives with the local representative system of democracy .
14 She joined in a singsong in the sailors ’ mess , playing ‘ What shall we do with a drunken sailor ? ’ after drinking from a can of beer .
15 what shall we do with the drunken sailor
16 The next day as breakfast was being served , the team gave the tiny winger a standing ovation , greeting him with a rousing chorus of the old bar-room classic What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor ?
17 If the first movement , with its ‘ what shall we do with the drunken sailor ’ main theme borders on the frivolous , the 2nd movement provided moving and haunting music .
18 And what shall we do with the last pizza so that
19 Instead , we opened with a symphonic version of the ‘ Dead March ’ from ‘ Saul ’ , fading out into the reading of a six-stanza poetic eulogy written for the occasion by a local lady admirer and 1OAB fan .
20 We begin with a brief look at the official figures , since , whatever the shortcomings of these statistics , and no matter how distorted a picture of ‘ real ’ crime they portray , they do nevertheless have real effects , since they are used , for example , in political debate and inform , at least partially , the public 's perception of the crime problem .
21 Suppose we begin with an existential hypothesis , without being able to point to any confirming evidence .
22 We begin with an exploded concept , for ‘ mind ’ no longer signifies the entity it once did .
23 We begin with the short-term sterling deposit contract .
24 It , too , has the potential for magnificence and it is important that we begin with the logical starting point and create a lush playing surface to rival the finest in the world . ’
25 We begin with the first type of study .
26 Suppose that we begin with the competitive model of Lecture 6 , where the full employment equilibrium of the economy is determined ( we assume for the moment uniquely ) for given levels of capital and labour .
27 We begin with the 1870 Education Act which in many ways represents the beginning of the modern education system — but concentrate on legislation since 1944 .
28 I must thank you for replying so promptly to the questionnaire which we enclosed with the last issue of The Birmingham Magazine .
29 But we stuck with the same tune that Wally had come up with .
30 They 're beautiful if you 're walking across the Downs and admiring the trees or the open countryside , but erm there are times , and we 've had just a recent spell with easterly winds , and we find with an easterly wind along the south coast , because of the Downs , and because of the , the Dover Straits , these easterly winds tend to erm funnel , as we call it , and therefore they are stronger than they would normally be expected to be , so Brighton does have its disadvantages in , from that point of view , but from the sunshine and the general point of view erm it takes a lot to beat the area .
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