Example sentences of "we [verb] [to-vb] for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We prefer to have working capital rather than interest from money held in a Trust account , so we expect to apply for a bonding arrangement in the future , ’ adds Ms Burrows .
2 We want to provide for the children 's cognitive development , yet do not wish to assess them by something they are not fully competent in : the English language .
3 But we have to have some spare capacity in case we want to run for the bus or climb Everest ( where the air is less oxygen-rich ) .
4 ‘ If I tell anyone that we stopped to look for a ghost , they 'll laugh at me , and if I was you , I would n't tell your mates either .
5 Coming to Old Gang Smelting Mills we stopped to look for a while at the most complete collection of buildings still standing in the mining field , although comparing them now with photographs taken in the 1930s it 's obvious that they 're slowly falling apart .
6 ‘ What are we going to do for a horse for you ? ’
7 This needed some clarification before we began to look for an answer .
8 Will he now change his mind or shall we have to wait for the people to do that for him ?
9 We decide to go for a ride on the lake and rush to harness the dogs .
10 We decide to look for a connection between types of advert and types of metaphor .
11 As we drove back we started to plan for the return to Backnong in 1993 .
12 ‘ I 'm confident we have nothing to fear in the market place provided we continue to aim for the type of quality sheep that we have seen in the best forward at Stoneleigh . ’
13 We considered various possibilities , but as neither of us could drive far and neither of us could face airport hassle , we decided to go for a week to Wales .
14 These are : How do we continue to aim for a principle of equity in distributing limited resources across populations ?
15 No Met nor Notam information was displayed , and we had to ask for the Met before filing our flight-plan to Santiago .
16 Half way along we had to stop for a couple of hours because the ‘ road ’ had been washed away and the people who were travelling had to clear it .
17 Well that was the , the erm union for us , erm I think erm one of the great assets of being in public transport was that we were in a local erm pension scheme , erm when , when we in the office started , we had to wait until we were eighteen and then we had to wait for a vacancy because there was a limited number of people that the Council were prepared to back by paying a similar amount .
18 So , no sooner did the record go into the charts and we were going ‘ yeah , this is it — hooray — we 're taking off ’ , they dropped the record and we had to wait for the guys to come back to earth .
19 We had to wait for the police and the doctor to certify what had happened .
20 So we 'd fill them and we could n't see anyway , lookin We could n't look down and see , we had to wait for the foreman shouting all the instructions , move left , forward or up or down .
21 We had to wait for an hour for our connection to Frankfurt .
22 We had to pay for the doctor .
23 When I was thirty , we did n't have the vote , we had to fight for a place in the world .
24 So we have to settle for the Carter head-rest covers , Carter condoms , Carter badges , Carter balloons , a specially-pressed Carter interview CD ( complete with printed questions that accompany Jim Bob and Fruitbat 's recorded answers to create the effect that ‘ the lads ’ are actually in the studio with you on Chiltern Radio ! ) and , of course , a copy of the ultimate object of all this marketing desire , a Carter album .
25 We have to plan for the future .
26 It may be said that we have to plan for the future , and I entirely agree , but most of our thoughts can be best described as nonsense .
27 We have to plan for the future .
28 Given the complications , we have to strive for a definition of violence which incorporates all these aspects .
29 Thérèse said : the Church says we have to pray for the Jews to be converted to the one true faith .
30 In the morning we have to wait for the sun to turn it to water .
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