Example sentences of "we [verb] [pron] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We rode him in a rubber snaffle with a cavesson noseband and provided you did not pull at him , he was as light as a feather .
2 We rode him in a rubber snaffle with a cavesson noseband and provided you did not pull at him , he was as light as a feather . ’
3 You will remember that we met him in the last commercial .
4 Predation between invertebrates if we confine ourselves in the macro sense and exclude zooplankton feeding invertebrates is mainly due to mobile forms attacking and feeding upon sessile forms .
5 We have to make certain that we fit you in the proper niche .
6 Samuel Beckett We want him in a nice jail where we can keep an eye on him .
7 We found ourselves in a wide desert street , lined unevenly with flat adobe buildings , the same dun colour as the street and the surrounding desert .
8 McAllion ) very seriously and I suggest that we debate them in a sensible manner .
9 But bitter Ferguson refused to blame individuals for United 's continental calamity and said : ‘ We let them in the back door and they stole the game . ’
10 But bitter Ferguson refused to blame individuals for United 's continental calamity and said : ‘ We let them in the back door and they stole the game . ’
11 And why do we do it in the cruellest possible ways ?
12 ‘ I think our second half performance was our worst for a long time , but we murdered them in the first . ’
13 We put it in the second bag , and that 's now four blue and three red .
14 Doctor : ‘ Well , we put you in a private room and feed you nothing but veal escalopes and pancakes . ’
15 We imagined ourselves in a cosy little country practice , jogging along comfortably and enjoying our work .
16 Television at home came later ; for now we watch it in the Italian cafe , where the price of a penny ice lolly opens the dusty chenille curtain and we can join the other children huddled in the darkness in front of the flickering screen in the corner .
17 And because this phrase has been much abused and misunderstood , it may be useful at this point to refer back to Erikson , to whom we owe it in the first place .
18 He or she is doing a certain thing and we interpret it in a certain way which elicits a given emotion .
19 We betrayed the Arabs over the Balfa declaration , we betrayed them after they cleared Africa and the Middle East under Lawrence , we betrayed them in the last war when they backed our rear and allowed the ninth army , and I was there , to join the eighth army and get out , and directly the last war was over , we betrayed them again — there 's a complete betrayal of the Arabs in the Middle East .
20 However , as we know them in the modern world , there are virtually no middle classes in 1700 .
21 Although there were thousands of lesser and hundreds of brown noddies on Cousin in October , it can not be easy to assess the population size , because with no positive ‘ summer season ’ as we know it in the temperate zones , many birds can be found breeding almost throughout the year .
22 When computers , as we understand them in a modern sense , first came into use in the early nineteen-fifties , they were huge , expensive and unreliable .
23 I am not arguing therefore that metaphors should not change , but that it is impossible for us to change them organically unless we understand them in the first place .
24 We find him in a disgusting attitude of respect towards predecessors whose intellect is vastly inferior to his own .
25 Perhaps we should not be too surprised when we find ourselves in the new world of quality primary care .
26 And I 'd like to explain since we find ourselves in the real world , rather than fantasy land , how we 've approached the subject of client server .
27 Back , back we find ourselves in the frustrating and confusing conceptual warp .
28 In such comments we find ourselves in the precise atmosphere of Rudolf Otto 's ‘ numinous ’ , the ‘ mysterium tremendum et fascinans ’ — the mystery that creates wonderment as well as terror — which surely accounts at least in part for the high level of religious feeling in Canadian folklore and literature ; not least in Leonard 's expression of it .
29 We find ourselves in an impossible position .
30 We approach it in a hit-and-miss sort of way instead of through a systematic communication programme .
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