Example sentences of "his [adj] [noun sg] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The sergeant considered Jim Lancaster was going to slam the door and he prepared to thrust his right foot up against the jamb .
2 Angel pulled up in horror and a cloud of dust , growled something incomprehensible , but undeniably insulting , threw down the reins , kicked his right foot out of the stirrup and , swinging it over the horse 's withers , jumped to the ground and ran into the house .
3 Hindley put his right arm out through the hole , with the gun in it , and aimed it at his enemy .
4 Corbett nodded and followed both the envoy and his strange companion out of the room and down to the main hall of the castle .
5 The tough rugby player at first put the pain of his acute appendicitis down to the after-effects of his stag night .
6 Hayman thumped his clenched fist down on the desk .
7 At the sound of his name , he swallowed his tea , excused himself and , followed at a step behind by Leroy Burns , made his portly way down to the lobby .
8 Although most biographers ( encouraged by Darwin 's own recollections ) have played down the Edinburgh episode , the most recent studies have noted that he developed an interest in invertebrate zoology here that was to form a mainstay of his scientific work through into the time of the Beagle voyage .
9 Suddenly , this had become a special event and Lewis knew it , for his playing took on a new intensity as he began to alternate between rock ‘ n ’ roll classics from his early career back in the Fifties Sun era to later country material .
10 In a fast sweep her eyes ran from the top of his dark head down to the tips of his elegant feet , and she bit back a groan as she realised that that tempting glimpse of his body had done nothing to prepare her for Luke Calder in the magnificent flesh .
11 When the roaring giant of a tube train came , the fag sucker suddenly withdrew his double-buckled shoes from the concrete and became a little scuttling pixie to compete with all the other scuttling pixies , but managed a further quick change to a hunched-up half-shut-marble-eyed frowny scowling monkey as he took his tense unrest out on the floor of the tube train that was carrying him to his necessary employment .
12 He walked carefully to his seat , picked his little cup up from the floor and went to the room 's single window .
13 Johnny Byrne was Palace 's chirpy young prodigy of the early 1960s and as such gained the prototype nickname of ‘ Budgie ’ , partly on account of his ceaseless chatter out on the pitch .
14 ‘ Thacker , who was the sort of swimmer who needed a Mae West to stay afloat in his bath , battled his burning Hurricane back over the Maltese coast at about 6,000 feet , he then pulled his hood back , rolled her and baled out .
15 The carpenter , John , Alison 's " " old " " husband , is the most obvious target figure of the piece , but Absolon is tricked into kissing Alison 's arse " " savourly " " and being farted upon , and Nicholas is led to put his bare behind out of the window little knowing he does so for it to be branded with a plough-coulter hot from the forge .
16 After about twenty stamps , he gives a big sigh , pours out a glass of wine , downs it in one , swings his great leg out of the window and off he goes . ’
17 The fair boy brought his closed hand out of the breast of his cotte and opened it proudly under the edge of the table .
18 While he had been talking like an estate agent , getting his full value out of the situation , the full embarrassment of it had been dawning on Jenna .
19 When he flapped his stumpy wings and heaved his fat body up above the topmost branches , Cassowary was as pleased as pie .
20 The Collector was obliged to lift his heavy frame out of the chair on the verandah and advance to stand by the altar table , for he was to be godfather to the child .
21 Originally a resident of Celtic Crescent , he had found that even with the occupancy of two adjoining houses there it was becoming impossible for him to accommodate his growing family along with the near and distant relations from Dublin and England who availed of his hospitality in a constant procession .
22 His voice was offhand , as he strode in and put his neat briefcase down on the desk .
23 Duncan slung his small case on to the bed and zipped it open .
24 Mathew Spedding , it seems , was still working his small mine up on the fells somewhere , and again , his small sett was to be excluded .
25 Michele rose to his feet , and , tossing his snowy napkin on to the table , followed the housekeeper into the palazzo .
26 Rush , without a Premier League goal this season , took all his pent-up frustration out on the unfortunate Cypriots .
27 Conscious of the fact that his palms were sweating even more markedly than usual , Pogo hurriedly pulled on his white gloves and led his impatient partner on to the floor .
28 Andy Mutch has been trying his new kit on for the first time today .
29 The carer lifts the patient 's hemiplegic leg gently over the side of the bed , then places her hand on his stomach to stabilize him , and asks him to bring his other leg over beside the hemiplegic one .
30 This is a convenient practice as it avoids the need , for example , for speculation as to how the injured person 's condition will develop from the time of the initial injury or for speculation as to what his financial loss up to the date of trial at least will be .
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