Example sentences of "his [noun sg] to a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Doctors gave his liver to a 15-year-old boy , his kidneys to a 43-year-old mother of two and a man of 60 , his heart to a woman of 45 , and both lungs to a woman of 47 .
2 Between 1341 and 1343 Dušan gave his support to a claimant to the Byzantine throne , John Cantacuzenus , whose daughter married the Ottoman ruler Orhan .
3 In a statement on April 22 designed to convince a visiting fact-finding mission from the Organization of American States ( OAS ) [ see below ] of his democratic intent , he promised to submit his decision to a plebiscite on July 5 , and pledged that proposed constitutional reforms would also be subjected to the popular vote on Aug. 31 .
4 He remained a JP but his other public employments terminated , and he sold his reversion to a tellership to his half-brother Edmund .
5 Derrida comes across as seriously concerned with philosophy and the problems of teaching it ; and he is non-committal in his response to a question about the possibility of introducing deconstruction into high schools .
6 But there was laughter at his response to a question about a reported split among the directors when he said that the board was ‘ united and happy ’ with the direction the club was taking .
7 But there was laughter at his response to a question about a reported split among the directors when he said that the board was ‘ united and happy ’ with the direction the club was taking .
8 Those of us who were privileged to hear Paddy Ladd 's moving account of the struggles and pride of the deaf community at last year 's International Conference in Bristol , England , will long remember his response to a challenge from the floor that many parents regarded the birth of their deaf children as tragedies .
9 At exactly zero nine hundred hours Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Danvers Hamilton DSO trotted in on a jet black mare and brought his charger to a halt in the middle of the manmade square .
10 On his admission to a policeman in civilian life no doubt that person would be convicted of rape .
11 However , when telling his experience to a member of the High Wycombe Station staff he found that his experience was certainly not unprecedented .
12 What will need to be ascertained in relation to the outgoing partner is : ( 1 ) his profit share for the current year up to the cessation date , less any drawings made during the year ; ( 2 ) his balance on the firm 's capital account ; ( 3 ) his balance on the firm 's current account in respect of undrawn profits from earlier years ; and ( 4 ) his entitlement to a share in the surplus partnership assets , that is to say , in particular , goodwill , work in progress and the excess over book values of other assets .
13 Every afternoon Salah drove us in his jeep to a spring in the desert where he sat in the shade of the palm trees eating watermelon and smoking hashish while we swam .
14 He tied his horse to a tree outside this bushy patch and left him grazing .
15 In April President Clinton pledged his administration to a target of reducing emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000 .
16 Hick fittingly ended it all by racing in to run out Aqib , to leave Malik forlorn and a class apart , 84 not out , having steered his side to a lead of 98 , 50-odd short of what Waqar said last evening would be enough for Pakistan to defend successfully .
17 ( c. 1205–1265 ) , magnate , a leading supporter of Simon of Montfort , Earl of Leicester [ q.v. ] ( but no relation ) , was born around 1205 , the son of Thurstin de Montfort III by his marriage to a daughter of William de Cantelupe , first Baron Cantelupe [ q.v. ] , a steward of King John .
18 He was survived by seven children of his marriage to a daughter of Captain John Drew .
19 In 1688 Charles , sixth Duke of Somerset , began to rebuild an untidy country mansion he had acquired through his marriage to a member of the Percy family , the Earls of Northumberland .
20 ‘ Ah , but I love getting back to the North , ’ says Sergei , and I follow his gaze to a landscape like a sheet of cartridge paper .
21 Qualitatively , infant P.P. often appeared to blink and make nodding head movements in order to ‘ unlock ’ his central fixation and move his gaze to a target in his defective half-field .
22 It was as if a genius creator , after six days ' labour , had become uninterested in his achievement and had delegated responsibility for the rule and administration of his work to a band of bureaucrats — a tireless bunch of imbeciles , lacking compassion , who justified their role in the scheme of things by ceaselessly inventing trials for man , to keep him on his toes .
23 As Brightman J said in United Sterling Corp Ltd v Felton and Mannion [ 1974 ] RPC 162 " This contractual obligation of fidelity … may prevent a skilled employee from giving his assistance to a competitor despite the fact that such assistance is provided by the employee in his own time and despite the fact that no information has been disclosed to the employees in confidence " .
24 He preached to the World Scout Jamboree and was blamed by the Daily Telegraph for reading his sermon to a multitude of boys and that the notes were too visible when they were blown about by the wind .
25 More generally , Kennedy appealed in his campaign to a need for change , while Nixon relied on his greater experience — as Vice-President since 1952 — and on the record of the Eisenhower administration .
26 He then describes the inner movements of contemplative experience in which man is raised above the limits of his nature to a sense of the ultimate reality of God .
27 However , anyone attempted to interpret Andy 's vitriolic sneering in ‘ It 's Not What You Know ’ as his reaction to a year of bitter wrangling and stifled potential should think again .
28 Significantly , the form of written agreement by which the father handed over the farm would make explicit not only his right to a room in the house , a place at the hearth , food , and the yield of a potato-patch and ‘ grass of a cow ’ , but also clear financial compensation if the arrangement broke down .
29 The draftsman of a clause linking the subrent to the headrent must make it clear what is to happen if the head landlord does not exercise his right to a rent under the headlease , or if the headlease is surrendered .
30 When they disappeared he turned his attention to a couple of girls who were laughing and giggling as they flung an orange frisbee at each other .
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