Example sentences of "his [noun sg] to [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Key here was the influence of non-western cultural forms on Artaud — first the foregrounding of actors ' movements and the absence of props in Japanese theatre ; then his exposure to Cambodian dance in 1922 ; but most importantly the Balinese Dance Theatre which Artaud witnessed at the Colonial Exhibition in Paris in 1931 , after which he wrote a succession of now canonical theoretical essays on theatre .
2 He later put his ambidexterity to good use in a Test match in 1921 , by playing a forerunner of the reverse sweep to defeat Armstrong 's leg-theory attack .
3 His response to this development in O'Keeffe 's art was the first positive assessment of the result of the effort she had made to have her intentions as an artist redefined .
4 His dark hair brushing her skin , he bent his mouth to each breast in turn , paying such delicately agonising attention to each one that Leonora gasped and thrust her hips hard against him .
5 But Mr Shamir has given no sign of softening his opposition to any contact with the PLO , or with Palestinians from outside , including those deported for activities hostile to Israel .
6 The Speaker of the House of Representatives , Thomas S. Foley ( Dem. , Washington ) , stated his opposition to any amendment of the Bill of Rights , however , arguing that the issue of flag burning was not so important as to make it " worth tampering with the most important repository of personal liberty that any country has ever established in its history " .
7 Bush reiterated his opposition to further settlement in the occupied territories , but stressed his unconditional support for Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union .
8 A brother of the Earl was MP for Bootle until 1910 , when he gave up his seat to Bonar Law after Law 's defeat in Manchester .
9 Thus instead of following the traditional linear progression of the allegory — a development towards contemplation based on Jacob 's union with Rachel after his marriage to Leah — Hilton is more interested in emphasising the coexistence of the two wives : In his reference to another facet of the story , that concerning Jacob 's change of name to Israel , allegorised as a man seeing God , Hilton does suggest a progression in contemplation for his pupil saying that he will become Israel , that is , fully contemplative , in the next world , certainly , and possibly even in this if his circumstances change so that he is relieved of worldly responsibility altogether .
10 Any punter would be delighted to place a bet on the understanding that if his horse were to lose he would be able to transfer his stake to another horse in the next race — in STV terms , to another candidate in the next count — and perhaps even to another and yet another until at last he had backed a winner .
11 Serving on the Housing Committee and then on the Social Services and Strategic Housing Committee , and back to the Housing Committee , has devoted his work to this area of Council activity .
12 Minton had already sat for his portrait to another member of staff , Robert Buhler , for a sensitive , restrained likeness , but , with hindsight , it is Moynihan who fashioned the more telling icon ( Plate 15 ) .
13 Artegall will not confront them or allow Talus to flail them , and the book ends not with Artegall 's triumph but his return to Faerie Court with these two ugly figures taunting him .
14 For Prince Sihanouk , a better result might be deadlock , chaos and a call for his return to national leadership as the only person capable of sorting out the mess .
15 I was particularly distressed when I personally sanctioned his return to operational flying after a short period as an instructor at an OTU .
16 His attitude to any form of authority was irreverent to say the least , and a story still went the rounds of how , at the age of fifteen , he won a sporting scholarship to a relatively new and very expensive boarding school .
17 Sold his body to that kind of man for lots of money ?
18 Never much of an orator , Mr Kohl has not sounded convincing in his calls for solidarity with the Gulf allies ; and his reaction to Soviet bullying in the Baltic has been inept .
19 Here is young Boris Nikolayevich fearlessly exposing his primary-school teacher as a sadist ; deprived of his right to secondary education by vengeful teachers , he triumphantly appeals over their heads and continues his studies .
20 This seems a clear example of his allegiance to popular dissent against the Church and social elite who supported the Restoration .
21 Airlines attracted the attention of corporate buccaneers like Carl Icahn who was to turn his attention to that icon of American might USX ( the former United Steel ) .
22 In a conversation with the wife of his biographer , Alan Wood , erm who had drawn his attention to some injustice in the world , he said , ‘ But the universe is unjust . ’
23 One was founded by William Batty , who gave his name to one epithet for madness .
24 David Coleman has unwittingly given his name to this tradition of sporting gaffe published mercilessly in Private Eye , of which Murray Walker 's ‘ this car is absolutely unique , except for the one behind , which is identical ’ must stand for the many .
25 She been to her GP to get a prescription for the contraceptive pill , but her husband waited outside , tore up the prescription , and then subjected his wife to verbal violence in public .
26 Then he turned his head to one side as if he , too , was listening to the Maltesers rolling past the front row , under the bed on which he and Andrea had cavorted , towards the French windows on the far side of his bedroom , and out into the garden .
27 ’ He put his head to one side as if he was thinking , closing one eye and giving his little grin .
28 Hope flicked his head to one side as if dodging a blow : there had been no need to slaughter those two old booby servants ; but Newton had ignored his protests .
29 He cocked his head to one side as if he had just realised something awful .
30 All these points might suggest that , when Gen Robertson sent his signal to Eighth Army on 14 May , at least part of his intention was to give the authorization required for the handing back to Tito of the 200,000 Croats .
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