Example sentences of "his [noun sg] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Simon 's own globe-trotting in Australia , Indonesia and Thailand may have spurred his sister to quit her job in a London pizza restaurant and follow in his footsteps .
2 The young working-class man in industrial employment could expect his income to reach its peak in early manhood and stay constant thereafter , barring disasters such as unemployment .
3 Aethelwald , king of the eastern Angles , seems to have made the most of his opportunity to extend his authority into Swithhelm 's territory , for when Cedd baptized Swithhelm he did so among the eastern Angles in the royal manor of Rendlesham , near Sutton Hoo , in the presence of King Aethelwald , who was his sponsor ( HE 111 , 22 ) .66 The foundation of a monastery at Barking in Essex for Aethelburh by her brother , Eorcenwald , later bishop of London ( HE IV , 6 ) , could indicate an extension also of Kentish influence into the territory of the eastern Saxons .
4 ‘ I am a poorer man by some 200 £ than when I came to the Province ’ , he told Gould , apologising for his inability to pay his subscription to Birds of Australia , ‘ and my salary has been reduced to the lowest figure and is far below what I enjoyed as a private Gentleman . ’
5 Or had Ash finally floundered in his inability to express his sense of urgency ?
6 Here , as at Liberi , he was happy , and we hear nothing of any initiative on his part to bring his exile to an end or to settle the issue — chiefly his frustrated desire to hold a council — which had precipitated his exile .
7 His decision to defend his seat against the party 's official candidate , Jane Kennedy , brought fears of a Lib Dem breakthrough but these are now receding .
8 There is no hint that he would ever abandon his decision to earn his living as a writer .
9 In this article , Ross acknowledges the current pressures upon arts education are such that it would be unwise for any arts teacher to declare ‘ UDI ’ from the examination system , hence his decision to aim his argument against examinations in the arts at headteachers , who are in a position to remove the arts from this form of damaging restriction by placing them within a protected , and non-examined core .
10 The secretary , David East , is now a figure of the distant past following his decision to resign his post over the way 10 Welsh players were recruited for the celebratory tour , and the Union still have to find a candidate to replace Rhys Williams as the junior vice-president .
11 Hardly less important was his willingness to lend his credit to the government by standing security for its borrowings .
12 John speaks of his knowledge of Aristotle and of his willingness to share his learning with him .
13 She lost all awareness of time and place , sinking into a realm of the senses where she could not help but bring her hand up to run her fingers into his hair to hold his mouth to hers as she returned his kiss .
14 But she refused to allow his surliness to burst her bubble of well-being .
15 Her blouse fell open and her naked breast was warmed by the hot sun and his mouth drawing her desire from deep within her , a desire she thought had been lost for no other man would have been able to free it , no other but him .
16 ‘ Do n't , Fernando , ’ she breathed achingly as his mouth grazed her cheek on its way to her mouth .
17 He was about to open his mouth to demand his pound of flesh when the door flew open , and Betty burst into the room .
18 She returns to Thornfield Hall to find the building burned , and Rochester blinded and maimed from his attempt to save his wife from the flames .
19 His mind drifted and he let his horse find its path through the crowds .
20 He had faced 3 assault charges relating to his bid to rid his area of prostitutes and curbcrawlers .
21 He lay there dead , his blood soaking my shoulder for half an hour .
22 If the preceding analysis is correct , then Gundovald 's support can be seen to depend on three different groups : there were members of Childebert 's court , seemingly anxious to keep their options open until the king was recognized as being of an age to rule ; there were men who had been followers of Guntram , but whose positions had been compromised ; and finally there were military leaders who had been in the service of Chilperic , but who had been too far from court at the time of his murder to ensure their survival under Chlothar II , whose own succession could scarcely be taken for granted .
23 Augustus , the ‘ first among equals ’ , had become Nero , the ‘ first without equals ’ : the man who had promised at his succession to model his rule on that of Augustus later boasted of his uniqueness and superiority over his predecessors .
24 Jezrael leaped at the man in a balletic kick , somersaulting as the back of his neck snagged her foot for a second .
25 His entry described his part as a PR consultant to a firm of paper merchants in persuading designers and print buyers to specify 100 per cent recycled paper for colour publications .
26 The sound of his car made her jump to her feet , and , picking up the plaster , she went out to meet him .
27 A next door neighbour stepped in to help by lending his car to get her family to Chelmsford station , she said .
28 But his failure to attend a WRU coaching course ( a sin of omission shared with Ray Prosser , perhaps the finest coach of forwards Welsh rugby ever had ) coupled with his outspokenness denied him access to the magic circle .
29 This homage to the past can be seen as an expression of respect for the artist 's original intent , for his ambition to prolong his existence through a work created according to artistic rules , with chosen techniques and materials .
30 Yeltsin 's choice of Col. Alexander Rutskoi , the founder of the Communists for Democracy group in the Russian parliament , signified his intention to maximise his support among moderate as well as radical voters .
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