Example sentences of "his [noun] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Which was when the other horse got to Hullabaloo 's quarters , a big , handsome bay , his bit covered in a white froth , his nostrils wide and red , and his eye set fast on the forthcoming obstacle .
2 My friend Jim 's wife is in America and my other pal 's had his heart broken by a hard-hearted woman with a background like yours , who passed him up in favour of an arranged marriage . ’
3 He was not an intellectual ; he made constant use of anecdotal evidence and some of his views bordered on the banal , but one of his great strengths has always been his resolute attachment to a few simple conservative themes .
4 With Osbern of Eu and a group of his own leaders and their following , Thorfinn had visited the Lothians and made his views known to the offending bands with frightening precision .
5 Ludens , steadying Marcus 's head with one hand , his fingers plunged into the short hair , and slowly and firmly moving the very sharp instrument , felt like an acolyte performing a dangerous task , perhaps intended as a test .
6 His fingers tightened with a menacing precision that kept her absolutely motionless .
7 His eyes flashed and his fingers tightened in a vicious grip .
8 Robyn watched as his hands moulded and caressed each silken mound , heard the gasp of delight escape from her own lips as his fingers played with the darkened peaks .
9 His fingers closed on the soggy bundle .
10 His fingers closed around the soft flesh of her upper arms , as if he intended to shake her , then his face changed , the anger was leashed , and he said , ‘ You 're shivering . ’
11 His fingers tangled in the smooth swath of her hair .
12 EDDIE NEWTON , the rising Chelsea star who had his jaw smashed in a racist attack just six months ago , is determined to break Manchester United hearts at Stamford Bridge today .
13 He was interrupted by Bill Martin 's return to the room , his jaw set in a determined line .
14 He showed some nepotistic , or rather patrimonial skill in getting his sons placed in the public service ; his failure to have amassed even a modest competence of wealth may be taken to argue either extreme probity or reckless extravagance , but more likely arose from having over-extended his credit in trying to send supplies to Ireland back in 1642 .
15 Pascal , quarter of a century younger , was also tensed by a religious vision ; in his case confirmed by a mystic experience of great emotional intensity .
16 I tried an Indian-looking middle-aged man with a pouchy face hidden beneath a large brimmed hat , and a paunchy stomach that seemed to run a perfect little circle round his navel hidden beneath a scruffy fair-isle sweater hidden beneath a wrinkly brown jacket hidden beneath an overcoat which brushed the homeless autumn leaves strewn despairingly across the lawns .
17 Now the army is back in control and has marked its victory by boosting up new pictures of Saddam , always with the same smile , the white of his teeth emphasized by the dark moustache .
18 His creditors met on the 28th and they read a letter from their debtor telling them the law was an enemy he could not conquer .
19 A sub-contractor who fails to supply the 715 voucher may have his certificate withdrawn by the Inland Revenue .
20 Despite a spirited correspondence in both the London and Tyneside newspapers about the need for ventilation and the defects of Davy 's lamp , Holmes was unable to get his proposals considered by the rigid and uncompromising owners .
21 with his hair brushed like a new LP
22 Like he always has his hair cut by the same man .
23 His hair curled in a thick golden tangle , his skin stretched taut and golden-bronze over his rolling muscles and over his high cheekboned , demonically handsome face .
24 His only explanation is that possibly the gentleman had travelled on the line for many years in the past and that his ghost fitted into a well-worn slot in time .
25 The great aristocratic houses were real absentees at court and a visit of a grandee to his estates ranked as a great event in local history .
26 His mouth hardened to an implacable line .
27 Nutty guessed that some instinct told Sam to keep his mouth shut about the knacker-yard history .
28 Fortescue looked surprised , as if he had expected Athelstan to keep his mouth shut for the entire interview .
29 With great discretion , Dyson yawned , straining his muscles to keep his mouth shut at the same time .
30 His mouth curved into an ironic smile .
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