Example sentences of "his [noun] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nor is it only in science where problems arise ; Dewey 's assumptions in politics , philosophy , economics , and religion , are typically western/racist/capitalist/Christian ; and his division of the arts into " Fine " and " Applied " has caused many a pottery teacher to gnash his teeth .
2 Devos might have added that Charpentier frequently reinforces his wishes at the ends of sections with verbal indications such as ‘ Passez sans interruption a la suite ’ ( ‘ Continue without interruption to the next movement ’ ) , or ‘ Suivez au Choeur sans interruption ’ ( ‘ Continue with the chorus without interruption ’ ) .
3 It appeared that the judge had tendered his resignation on the grounds of ill health in a letter sent to the Lord Chancellor the day before his controversial comments .
4 It helps explain his fixation on the details of other people 's erotic lives , the keyhole stuff that filled his files , the anger — envy , perhaps — which made him project homosexuality onto all manner of public figures .
5 But tonight there had been no time to get the cheese or sardines or cold ham that made his evening meal ; Sean never liked to cook in his bedsit above the premises of Hogan 's lest the smell of food linger and be deemed offensive .
6 His views on the rights of hereditary monarchy and episcopacy were those of Charles Leslie [ q.v. ] , whom he admired , but Earbery had none of his wit or power of reasoning : his numerous works are largely made up of quantities of historical narrative , related with a strong ideological bias , often laced with personal abuse .
7 ‘ At the very least there is perceived to be an apparent disinclination to contact and involve Church spokesmen in matters like education or to approach the Moderator for his views on the circumstances of the Presbyterian community which is the second largest denomination in Northern Ireland , ’ one leading Churchman said .
8 But what brought her to the point of retaliation was the sight of his hands mauling a plate of sliced mutton , digging his fingers into the pieces of meat and snatching them up and trying to screw them up like pieces of paper and hurl them at the bookcase .
9 He crossed to the open storage cabinets and ran his fingers along the rows of simularity crystals ; her files , her notes , her diary .
10 It ‘ betrayed ’ Isildur to the arrows of the orcs ; it ‘ abandoned ’ Gollum , says Gandalf , in response to the ‘ dark thought from Mirkwood ’ of its master ; it all but betrays Frodo in the Prancing Pony when it slips on to his finger and proves his invisibility to the spies for the Nazgûl then present .
11 The men greeting Johnson included the Laird , his doctor brother , and four other Macleod relatives , including one , known as Sandie , who had been exiled for his part with the Jacobites in 1745 .
12 In the mid-1970's Zelaya was imprisoned for 2½ years for his part in the murders of two priests and five peasants who were agitating for land reform .
13 To Isobel 's surprise he went beetroot red , flushing from the collar of his shirt to the roots of his now receding hair .
14 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for his support for the efforts of those involved and his endorsement of them .
15 Churchill 's decision to set up S Branch and his support for the economists within the Cabinet Office stemmed from an enduring distrust of official advice on economic policy which can be dated back to his unhappy time at the Treasury in 1924–29 , particularly his much criticised decision , taken on official advice , to return to the gold standard in 1925 .
16 Christina saw her husband gradually relax and begin to enjoy himself , tapping his foot to the strains of a calypso floating towards them from the dance-floor on the piazza outside .
17 Whereas Augustus had had the poet Virgil to sing his praises , Constantine had the ecclesiastical politician and historian Eusebius as the man who sat immediately to the right of his throne during the sessions of the Council of Nicaea in 325 and exercised a decisive influence on the creed and discipline of the Universal , or Catholic , Church .
18 Charles Lazarus , the ANC 's Jewish lawyer , poured out to me his story of the negotiations for a settlement as he has seen them .
19 The radicals of the Agency committee were as concerned as Buxton in his plea to the slaves on the eve of their emancipation that they ‘ by every motive of duty , gratitude and self interest … do their part towards the peaceful termination of their bondage ’ .
20 But promising newcomer Victor Ubogu has taken his shirt leaving the older hand desperate to push his case for the Barbarians against the world champions , Australia .
21 At the meeting at Teesside Polytechnic he outlined his case against the pylons on health grounds .
22 His description of the galleries of Dent on either side of the narrow street is all that is left to remind us of their undoubted presence , ‘ I regret the loss of the grotesque and rude but picturesque old galleries , which once gave character to the streets ; and in some parts of them almost shut out the sight of the sky from those who travelled along the pavement .
23 His elitism is well brought out in his description of the elections of 1705 , where he claimed that " the Principal Gentry , both for Estates and Reputation " , supported the Tory candidates , and " the Refuse and Scum , the Beasts of the People " , supported the Whigs ; he went on to recommend changing the franchise qualification from forty shillings worth of freehold land to " 10 Pounds at least " .
24 The starting point is Sir Isaac Newton 's discovery of the laws of gravity and his formulation of the laws of motion to explain the movement of bodies in response to forces .
25 Today saw the culmination of months of hard training as Hugh slipped his canoe into the waters of Lough Ryan for the solo trip back to his home town .
26 By the palaeolithic period , man was a highly developed creature capable of shaping tools and even depicting his activities on the walls of caves .
27 He had been given a list of Extension Centres marked ‘ active ’ or ‘ dormant ’ to ensure there would be no misinterpretation over his activities within the constraints of the document .
28 St Bonaventure 's reference to his defence of the friars in 1269 implies that he was dead by then .
29 Not unexpectedly , his defence of the major-generals in the debates over the decimation bill was ‘ hot ’ .
30 Following extensive feasibility studies into timetabling arrangements and the technical aspects of the assessment proposals , the Secretary of State produced his response to the reports in 1980 in the shape of a circular from SED ( No. 10/93 ) which included these words :
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