Example sentences of "his [noun] [verb] [pers pn] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His employers offered him additional wages and a partial refund of the extra travelling expenses .
2 Yet this restatement of his views won him political support from Liberals who looked askance at this quasi-nationalization programme .
3 His enemies refused him Christian burial at first , but he was later interred in his grandfather 's kirk at Birsay .
4 His contract allowed him fifteen francs a day , if Zborowski could manage it , to cover all his needs .
5 His agent phoned him last week .
6 His books taught me that poetry can be pure and profound , and at the same time popular . ’
7 The works of his so-called ‘ pink ’ and ‘ blue ’ periods were being bought by important collectors , and the fact that an established dealer like Vollard was interested in his work gave him additional prestige .
8 Throughout his long marriage his homosexuality caused him great unhappiness , and if there was any one key to Laughton 's greatness as an actor then it was surely his sense of being a misfit , uneasy in his own skin and forever on the outside of the social , sexual , and familial demands of his upbringing and conditioning .
9 One of the guys at work managed to get his sister-in-law to tape US Prime Time mid-afternoon so that we could all watch it on vdeo last night .
10 " Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God of his goodness to give you safe deliverance , and to preserve you in the great danger of childbirth ; you shall therefore give hearty thanks unto God … "
11 Seems I was right all the same , and if Harry 's got money to spare as he does n't know what to do with , then it 's not for us to deny his right to spend it any whichaway he pleases .
12 Hahnemann 's opposition to the ignorance and barbarism of the medicine of his day made him many enemies in the medical profession .
13 The defending lawyer told magistrate Terence Maher that Long , 48 , turned to the bottle after his wife divorced him three years ago .
14 ‘ Nichols and his writers wanted it both ways .
15 ‘ The gentleman before you complained that his lenses gave him double vision and headaches .
16 ‘ The gentleman before you complained his lenses gave him double vision and headaches .
17 His father told him that story : his father looked at him through a glass : he had a hairy face .
18 That includes a broomhandle type for three months and now an old hickory-shafted one which his father gave him last weekend .
19 His age made him senior partner , and Gemma wished he were not .
20 Now , though , his age gave him untold advantages .
21 At once his equerry handed him two files .
22 John Kane donned his waders to bring us this report .
23 Twice his quarry threw him backward glances , and on the second occasion seemed to slow his pace , as if he might stop and attempt a truce , but then thought better of it and put on an extra turn of speed .
24 Though initially little more than special pleading for Liverpool shipping interests , his journalism taught him radical attitudes , most notably a hatred of the Foreign Office , for according so low a priority to West Africa , and a sympathy for African culture , which was reinforced by meeting the traveller Mary Kingsley [ q.v. ] in 1899 .
25 His mother phoned him several times and Jack had a disturbed night 's sleep .
26 After my first sight of him that sunny autumn morning in the gallery of the courtyard in the Palacio de Anaya , his face haunted me all day , and I dreamt of him during the night — a long , ecstatic dream of such acute sensual pleasure I woke up aching and exhausted by too much bliss .
27 ‘ I am ready , ’ he announced , pulling himself to the edge of the pool and looking down at her with no expression on his face to give her any clue about his attitude .
28 His dedication brought him swift advancement at the cost of alienating his contemporaries , who regarded him as an arrogant , stand-offish prig .
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