Example sentences of "but at the [noun sg] [pron] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 We felt pretty helpless in the train , as we did not know whether any arrangements had been made to meet us at Canton , but at the station we were welcomed by a Min. of Education official , together with a teacher-interpreter from Canton university , who surprised us with his urbane manner , excellent English , and his knowledge that David Owen had just been made the substantive Foreign Secretary to replace Anthony Crossland ( and that , incidentally , is about the last news we have heard about affairs in the U.K. ! ) .
2 But at the price it was on offer I could not refuse .
3 Dzerzhinsky stressed that local authorities should collaborate with them , but at the centre he was adamant that they should take no part in transport decisions that had any , political implications .
4 But at the conference it was for the first time agreed to allow the constituency parties to elect their own separate representatives to the National Executive , and this at once led to the appearance in this category of Sir Stafford Cripps , Professor Harold Laski and D. N. Pritt — all advocates of close collaboration with the Communist Party , and Pritt indistinguishable from an actual card-carrying member .
5 His mother would have disapproved , he knew , but at the moment it was the warmest , cosiest room in the house .
6 Maxim had a tie with him , but at the moment it was in his pocket .
7 She had quite expected him to stop the car on the way home and make a grab at her and she was all prepared to cope with it , had her little speech ready about what a wonderful evening she 'd had but at the moment she was concentrating on her career and did n't really want to waste time on that kind of thing .
8 They was robbed , but at the whistle it was 2-all .
9 Simon Parsons was last in his semi but at the line he was closing on Vekic of Jugoslavia .
10 I really regret it now , but at the time everything was right up to there , you know .
11 ( Perhaps it was a little strange , Alice thought later , but at the time she was not surprised . )
12 This may be ; but at the time there was a case to be made for the new policy satisfying the demands both of expediency and humanity .
13 The court heard how the speed limit has been reduced in Akers Way , but at the time there was a temptation for drivers to speed .
14 But at the time he was glad to leave .
15 By temperament he could never be a member of a group , but at the time he was associated with a talented wartime circle which included Max Jacob , the poet Cocteau , the composer Eric Satie , the painters Juan Gris , Kisling , Foujita and , more rarely , Picasso and the sculptors Archipenko , Zadkine and Lipchitz .
16 After the event it looks very much as if his campaigns overstrained the resources of his empire and made it impossible to hold together , but at the time he was seen as the greatest of conquerors .
17 I love Lucy , but at the time he was more important to me than she was , in one sense .
18 ‘ They 're divorced now , apparently , and Paul 's married to someone else , but at the time he was going to divorce Sonia and marry me .
19 And I do n't know how , what 's happened about it now but at the time he was still having to pay for it
20 But at the time I was just hurt that I could n't wade out into the lake and save them .
21 But at the time I was so excited by my good luck that I forgot what I owed to Joe .
22 Oh , I can see now that it was unworthy and beside the point but at the time I was so exasperated with the man and his perfidy that any ammunition would have done .
23 ‘ I know that now — but at the time I was simply too young to cope with her malice .
24 But at the time you were heartbroken when David left you .
25 It was very short-lived but at the time it was a bit of a shock .
26 It is a method that is nearly always used there days but at the time it was quite a new technique , certainly for a band like The Wedding Present .
27 Adds the source : ‘ Slash and his mates laughed about the incident afterwards , but at the time it was terrifying .
28 But at the time it was thought that the record had yielded up its secrets in sufficient quantities to allow confident assertions to be made about the character of the evolutionary mechanism .
29 This Invectiva in Girardum Engolismensem Episcopum has been excoriated by modern readers as calumnious and anti-Semitic , but at the time it was promulgated by such church dignitaries as Bernard of Clairvaux , Peter the Venerable , and Haimeric , papal chancellor under Honorius II .
30 And then after I had my daughter I was going to go back in there but at the time it was just like a junior 's position ,
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