Example sentences of "but at [art] same [noun] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Other examples in the Renaissance include the malcontent who haunts the very power structure which has alienated him , seeking reinscription within it but at the same time demystifying it , operating within and subverting it at the same time ; the revengers whose actions constitute an even more violent bid for reinscription within the very society which has alienated and dispossessed them ; the assertive women , the ‘ women on top ’ described by Natalie Zemon Davis who simultaneously appropriate , exploit , and undermine masculine discourse .
2 The 5th generation — Expert Systems — must be seen as being applied to the first four generations of Maintenance but at the same time trying to integrate them as well .
3 Despite such a use of power , the result was far from extravagant to behold : ‘ It is a structure of considerable dimensions , auguring the residence of nobility , but at the same time laying no claim either to grandeur or antiquity … the park is pleasingly undulated ’ .
4 We are accordingly cutting back central funding , but at the same time encouraging an increased local spend .
5 In the period from 1963 to the late 1970s , headteachers and other teachers enjoyed the frisson of being first , of lacking confidence but at the same time enjoying the mixture of sharing their nervousness with other people .
6 Sometimes in darkness you can find light and Deran Dwyer prove the point , concentrating densely on moody atmospherics but at the same time bristling with a blazing guitar which illuminates like a firework display .
7 Sometimes in darkness you can find light and Deran Dwyer prove the point , concentrating densely on moody atmospherics but at the same time bristling with a blazing guitar which illuminates like a firework display .
8 I think they are allowing competition , which is healthy , but at the same time demanding reciprocity .
9 Embarrassed to some extent by their traditional association with the Soviet Union , but at the same time drawing their identity from it , the communist parties of Western Europe have been passing through a period of internal crisis and conflict .
10 ‘ Playing at the end of the field , being in contention , keeping myself relaxed but at the same time getting the adrenalin running , ’ explained Faldo .
11 ‘ The battle ’ hovers over the individual actions like in incorporeal cloud , distinct from them , but at the same time making up a surface of their meaning-effect , a simulacrum that brings the event into being at the moment when language and event coincide .
12 The dominant theme in this perspective , one which we can pick up and develop with our particular perspective , is that of the state as a great power container , operating in a general or national interest but at the same time regulating people 's everyday lives .
13 The knack in dowsing is to be in the right frame of mind , not caring too much what answer you get , but at the same time having a clear idea of what you are looking for , otherwise you are opening yourself up to a very wide ‘ waveband ’ and things will get very confused .
14 The Second World War tore across this historically accelerating century , breaking up families , eroding class systems and challenging sexual mores , but at the same time marking the post-Holocaust , post-Hiroshima age .
15 CA has a clear responsibility to give wherever possible clear advice , exposing fads and gimmicks , but at the same time analysing problems where they exist .
16 For example , because many farming families were able to afford sewing machines , the women in these families began to make all the clothes their families needed , thus increasing their already heavy work load but at the same time putting the Darzi or tailor-caste workers out of employment .
17 The sun was full on her face , showing every stroke and grain of make-up , but at the same time driving expression from it .
18 Graeme 's other option is to move his back foot back and across towards the off stump , but at the same time keeping his head forward over the perpendicular with the front knee .
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