Example sentences of "but it [vb -s] be [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Not only is there a lack of research evidence to support this view , but it has been argued that many children do better remaining in a single-parent family than in having to make further adjustments to a third form of family life — the step-family ( Richards and Dyson , 1982 ) .
2 The case at Water Newton is rather less certain , but it has been argued that either one of the two large buildings visible at the centre of the defended area served as an administrative centre for the Fens , or that this function was performed by the remarkable complex identified at Castor to the north-east of the town 's extramural suburbs .
3 It is difficult to assess the effects of the first true humans in rain forests but it has been argued that the Australian aborigines may have been responsible for the removal of some of the Araucaria forest of tropical Queensland , leading to the advance of Eucalyptus there , as well as locally exterminating much of the megafauna .
4 But it has been said before we should have professional referees — the sooner it 's sorted out the better .
5 But it has been calculated that there is only a 4 per cent chance of dying if bitten by one of them .
6 Few would deny that there are elements of truth in this explanation , but it has been criticized as incomplete because of its bias towards élites and its failure to explain why nationalist symbols had such wide appeal .
7 How the latter will be achieved remains to be seen , but it has been mooted that a surcharge should be levied on tropical timber , to be paid by the market , which could be used to undertake research into ways of achieving and ensuring tropical forest survival .
8 But it has been seen that Picasso was also attracted to tribal sculpture because he admired its conceptual quality .
9 Why the process fails in 20% of the population is unclear but it has been noted that in patients with acid antra , G cells are qualitatively sparse .
10 The level of investment depends on business people 's expectations of the future level of demand , but it has been demonstrated that there is an inherent instability in the economy .
11 ‘ The average train may leave 10 minutes late , but it has been proved that the average car journey sets off at least 40 minutes after the announced time . ’
12 But it has been countered that the main aim is to improve quality of provision , to get better value for the money spent — and that the key to this is better management of schools .
13 For example , It is proposed that … suggests that the writer of the abstract is doing the proposing , but It has been proposed that … suggests that the proposing is done by someone other than the writer .
14 But it has been held that although all statements must be reviewed at least once a year , a LEA is not obliged to re-assess a statemented child 's special educational needs before s/he is that age unless the parents so request .
15 Where the defendant is in possession of the plaintiff 's goods there is no doubt that an unjustified refusal to return them generally constitutes conversion but it has been held that where the plaintiff has possession there is no conversion if the defendant simply refuses to allow the plaintiff to remove them .
16 It is clear that the measure of damages for the conversion of a negotiable instrument is prima facie the face value , not the value as paper but it has been held that this principle is inapplicable to non-negotiable documents such as holiday credit stamps .
17 This may appear to place a heavy burden on the plaintiff but it has been held that he does not have to identify the exact person responsible for the defect ( Grant v Australian Knitting Mills ) .
18 For example , the rule which automatically renders transactions carried out by company directors in breach of the prohibition on self-dealing voidable can be modified , but it has been held that the director must still act in the best interests of the company .
19 Details of yesterday 's court order were not made public , but it has been reported that Miss Bonham-Carter has provided the court with a map with a red line marking an area of several hundred yards around her house which she did not want Mr Farquharson to enter .
20 A major discovery was made at Jabirn in the Timor Sea in 1983 but it has been estimated that similar discoveries on a yearly basis would be necessary if increasing oil imports are not to be required in the future to maintain present levels of consumption .
21 Much footway damage is natural deterioration of course , but it has been estimated that overriding by vehicles is implicated in over half of the cases where planned maintenance work is carried out .
22 But it has been shown that few of the innovations of this period were without precedent in the policies of earlier years , and that much of the crucial thinking about the form these new institutions should take had been done in the inter war period .
23 Its original intention is unknown , but it has been suggested that the timber framing gave walls the combination of strength and flexibility needed to withstand earthquakes .
24 The Dauphin 's interest in delaying the transfer of territory and renunciation of sovereignty is obvious , but it has been suggested that Edward too might have been glad of an excuse to resume the war if he wanted to .
25 But it has been suggested that there are dangers and disadvantages in such schemes .
26 But it 's been done because people wanted it to happen , not because it 's been imposed upon them . ’
27 Nottinghamshire County Council wo n't confirm what the latest allegations are about but it 's been reported that they centre on fraud and sexual harassment at Redoaks .
28 But it 's been claimed that the cost of the visit would have been better spent easing student poverty .
29 It 's something to do with gentlemanliness and the idea of the English gentleman , which has become a very influential one , not just in Britain , but it 's been admired and copied in many other countries and this is an historical product .
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