Example sentences of "but only [subord] [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It also follows that in looking at whether to call in , Ministers do not consider the planning merits of the proposal , but only whether the kind of issues that need to be decided are more appropriate for consideration in a wider than local context by the Secretary of State .
2 A single currency may come into being in 1997 , but only if a minimum of seven countries meet the convergence conditions , and eight of the Twelve vote in favour .
3 In quantitative terms the product is expected to make a net profit of ( 12,000 x £20 ) — £200,000 = £40,000 , but only if the forecast of sales is correct .
4 On the official level , the PLO is still insisting that ‘ it is ready to accept to deal with the Baker plan ’ but only if the composition of the Palestinian delegation is publicly selected by the PLO .
5 On the official level , the PLO is still insisting that ‘ it is ready to accept to deal with the Baker plan ’ but only if the composition of the Palestinian delegation is publicly selected by the PLO .
6 HIV is found in the blood and semen or vaginal fluid or a person with HIV or AIDS in sufficient quantity to infect another person , but only if the virus within these body fluids enters the bloodstream of the other person .
7 In 1974 Joël Scherk from Paris and John Schwarz from the California Institute of Technology published a paper in which they showed that string theory could describe the gravitational force , but only if the tension in the string were very much higher , about a thousand million million million million million million tons ( 1 with thirty-nine zeros after it ) .
8 Experience is learning , but only when the reality of experience is acknowledged and valued .
9 There were whiffs of controversy in the air as the obsequies were dealt with , but only because a couple of the reporters interrogated retiring manager Micky Stewart over possible suspicion of Pakistan ball-tampering .
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