Example sentences of "but if [pers pn] [verb] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 People complain about City prices and Leicester University class lists , but if we started printing all these digits even our most faithful readers would complain .
2 But if we have to do that .
3 You know often they do n't stay through the whole meeting but if they 've got specific points to bring up you know th you know it 's flexible really you know sort of depending on what 's going on really .
4 But if they 've got this nice little folder with the warranty on it , they think it 's covered , do n't they , by the warranty .
5 Okay it 's not going through Hertfordshire but if they 've got half a billion to spend , I am sure it would be better spent , public transport is only one way .
6 No but if they 'd gone straight for
7 They were afraid to ta but if they 'd had that if they 'd told me to provide an extra coach for the Manchester as I was suggesting , Dougie would have come out and taken strips off them for You see .
8 I have already questioned the absolute relevance of attitude measures , but if they do measure some at least of the effect of advertising , some of the time , the general slowness of movement of these measures implies , at least , that such change occurs gradually as a result of the cumulative build-up of the message of the campaign .
9 But if I had said this to you three months ago would you have thought it worth the extra outlay ?
10 Someone recently said to me ‘ I 'm gradually getting over the death of my husband , but if I had realized all the extra work I would have I 'm not sure I could have coped .
11 No , but if I 'd said that
12 I wish you 'd told me before , Edward , I mean , it 's entirely your own affair of course but if I 'd known forewarned would have been forearmed and we could have avoided this sort of thing . ’
13 But if I 'd had eight months of thinking , I do n't think I could have taken it .
14 I s I was still only down to sort of eleven stone , but if I get to like ten stone
15 But if I want to play real loud I just go down to my basement — I have a stack down in my basement and just crank that up ! ’
16 But if she had missed this one , she would be the laughing stock of her class .
17 But if she wants to put right a mistake , she may keep a promise like that . ’
18 But if she wants to attract new audiences this will not be achieved without a change of programming .
19 well , well thank Mr very much , if you , if you could , I can accommodate Mr at any reasonable time tomorrow , erm , but although he may say he 's only got , he only wants to rest for a quarter of an hour d'your , as you gather from the interchange from the bench , that 's er , that will be the very minimum and I may well have questions to ask him , although I hope I 'd asked most of them to Mr , so , erm , but I 'm , I 'm I think for everybody 's convenience it , erm , unless he 's got a specific time he could deal with , we either start say at eleven thirty , when Mr can be here or at two , erm , but if he 's got some other clever idea I 'm perfectly prepared to entertain him , but er we ca n't leave this hanging around , I 've got ta write this and whichever way it goes we 've got ta look at it again , er and although I suppose I 'm not entirely unheard of and I disappear to the court of appeal next term it 's gon na make things extremely awkward to try and arrange anything else next term , cos I 've got two other judges to bear in mind as well as myself
20 On 9 September 1715 Bolingbroke wrote to James 's leading supporter in Scotland , John Erskine , sixth ( or , under another reckoning , eleventh ) Earl of Mar , to convey this and other bad news , but if he intended to discourage any immediate action he was too late .
21 But if you 'd loved each other — ? ’
22 But if you 'd got enough fabric , you would have just done the same
23 Most processes require AVAIL , but if you wish to prevent inadvertent use of a process , setting UNAVAIL in the configuration file will ensure that no action requests will be accepted by the process , at least until a LIFESPAN user with MANAGER privilege has used Option 7.5.0 to set Facilities Available .
24 But if you wish to know more you will have to ask Laura .
25 but if you 've got any questions on that front ?
26 But if you 've got any doubts , if you 're in any doubts at all go to your local E board or some electrical supplier , a reputable electrical supplier , and they will tell you how to do it properly .
27 Er okay so I think that er covers mortgages , but if you 've got any house if you 've got any house improvement loans which were taken out anything like credit card debts anything where you 're paying er a high rate of interest , then I think you should get rid of those every time .
28 But if you 've got any more surprises waiting to spring on us , then warn me about them now !
29 But if you 've got any more questions , I mean do n't hesitate to come back , because at the end of the day I 'd rather you know too much than not enough
30 Oh but if you 've got special
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