Example sentences of "but it [modal v] [adv] be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , syntactic analysis is always carried out but it may not be used in the interpretation of any particular sentence .
2 But it may not be appreciated that Miller 's work provided the foundation for later encyclopaedic horticultural works ( see William Stearn , Chapter 20 ) and the ‘ bright beam of gardening ’ , of which John Rogers wrote in 1839 , has continued to shine for two centuries .
3 To make them pure for drinking purposes is , perhaps , impossible ; but it may reasonably be hoped that they may become sufficiently so to delight the eye and to repress the pestiferous and sickening exhalations which at present affect the multitudes of our population compelled to pass their lives on the bank of such rivers .
4 But it may soon be forgotten , because now comes the bad news : the All Blacks arrive tomorrow .
5 A bill of sale is commonly used as a means of mortgaging goods ( see p. 105 ) , but it may also be used as an out-and-out conveyance .
6 Sulking is a common occurrence , but it may sometimes be carried to an anti-social extreme .
7 But it may perhaps be expected that where true grounds are that the police officer fears ‘ serious disruption to the life of the community ’ his order will say so .
8 But it may now be said that , so far from being a depressing conclusion , this states precisely the practical importance of conventionalism for adjudication .
9 A will apparently has the function of bequeathing but it might also be intended to please or to repudiate — and to a historian , though that was not the intention , it may function as information .
10 E. A. Freeman 's description of Dalmatia as ‘ a Slavonic land with an Italian fringe ’ refers to the cultural geography of the Adriatic coastlands , but it might also be applied to the physical geography ( as ‘ a Dinaric land with a Mediterranean fringe ’ ) .
11 In discussing the effect produced when event X precedes the CS-US pairing of a conditioning trial , Revusky lays emphasis on the interference that results from the formation of an X-US association ; but it might also be allowed that the formation on an X-CS association plays a role .
12 Under the risk theory , therefore , compensation might be awarded for public law wrongs , but it might also be awarded for action which is perfectly legal in the public law sense .
13 But it might also be used to convey the idea of an academic willing to take up a bold independent stance , outside the disciplinary currents of the age .
14 But it might well be thought that if a procession has been regularly held even for such a comparatively short period of time , the police are aware that it is likely to take place , and it is therefore outside the rationale behind the advance notification requirement .
15 There was no intention to be insulting — quite the reverse — but it might readily be inferred that the defendant must have realised and did realise that his homosexual overtures might not be welcomed by the person at whom he was directing them .
16 This way they would be alerted to Luke 's infidelity , but it would n't be forced on them .
17 An extra £5 million would be brought forward from next year to offset the extra cost , but it would not be made up next year .
18 Most of the Colleges are quite extensively engaged in activities other than teacher education , their viability would be disturbed but it would not be destroyed .
19 That wildfire feeling might have got a hold a month back , but it would not be allowed to do so again .
20 But it would not be held that God revealed God 's self to a particular people , or through a particular person , in a certain time in history .
21 Public-sector wages and payments would be made in the new currency , but it would not be backed by hard currency and international recognition , unlike the future Latvian currency , the lats .
22 Eliot 's linking of the savage and the city would never again be as prominent as in Sweeney Agonistes , but it would not be abandoned .
23 Sometimes a toy car would have its moment of glory , but it would soon be forgotten .
24 The point is instructive , but it would certainly be mistaken to suppose that all ordinary conditionals are of the form If P then Q and all other " if " statements of the form If P , Q.
25 There are other ways of marking it , but it would always be explained at the beginning of a textbook or dictionary which system is used .
26 ‘ She 'd hold out for a while but it would always be made up after he came back with the roses .
27 But it wo n't be imposed on anybody because the patient 's view remains paramount . ’
28 but it wo n't be read by the cons it 'll be read by the screws
29 But the er but it ca n't be done on modern alarms now because the bell boxes they use are anti-foam and they probably have two or three alarm
30 Said Mr Costain : ‘ We would have liked to build a replacement with a wooden verandah and steps , but it ca n't be done in this day and age , so we had to build a concrete one like Fort Knox . ’
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