Example sentences of "but [not/n't] a [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Allegations that Mr Gandhi or members of his family received large sums have often been heard on opposition hustings , but not a shred of evidence exists that his hands dipped anywhere near the till .
2 Many interviews were quoted with contacts in East Europe , all of whom claimed to have proof that Crabb was still alive , but not a shred of evidence was ever produced to support any of these bizarre allegations .
3 There was , therefore , a ‘ class struggle ’ within cities but not a struggle between classes as discussed in chapter 3 .
4 But not a chance in hell , old boy , of overturning it , ’ the refrain went .
5 Grigson , writing in The Listener , was equally forthright : he found in Minton 's work interesting prose but not a poetry of interpretation .
6 A confederation between two sovereign states , Jordan and Palestine , might have been acceptable , but not a federation under King Husayn .
7 John How was a solid good preacher but not a magnet to multitudes .
8 We crossed several large meadows before working along steep , loose flanks , rich with flowers but not a route for mules , wherever they were — they had taken a different line .
9 When she tugged the chain ( which had a pottery handle bluntly instructing her to ‘ PULL ’ on it ) , there was a raucous , metallic clanking fit to wake the whole house , but not a trickle of water came down to flush the bowl .
10 There are various types of head plumage , from thatch via greaseball to natural skin tone , but not a hat in sight .
11 There were a dozen or so cars parked near the entrance , including the Marshal 's small van , but not a soul in sight .
12 Tom 's were broad , but not a patch on Cyril 's .
13 A house of sin you may call it , but not a house of darkness for the candles are never out , and it is like those countries far in the north where it is as clear at mid-night as at mid-day …
14 Aniel president Jesus Banegas , commented that 1992 's drop was unprecedented , and disturbing with regard to union with Europe : ‘ there is a risk we will be classified as a nation that is a consumer , but not a producer of electronics ’ , he said .
15 Over the fifteen years that Motability has been established , there have been powerful disagreements but not a whisper of hostility .
16 There 's the same familiar chords , beefed-up arrangements and hard luck stories , but not a lot of conviction .
17 A number of documents had been in the drawers but not a list of computer codes .
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