Example sentences of "but [vb -s] [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This does n't just mean doing a sedentary job but refers rather to the type of person ( who could well be a housewife , doing a basically non-sedentary type of job ) who calls the children to bring something from the next room rather than getting up herself , or who goes to great lengths to avoid journeys up and down stairs , or who will drive round for five minutes to find a parking spot near the exit of the car park rather than walk for two minutes …
2 Ophiopristis does seem to be similar in appearance to Ophiologimus H. L. Clark , 1911 but differs mainly in the form of the tentacle pore which is slightly smaller with larger tentacle scales than Ophiologimus .
3 This method at least appears to have some principled rationale underlying it , however , Rosch herself stresses that the basic level is not necessarily fixed ( Rosch , Mervis , Gray , Johnson & Boyes-Braem , 1976 ) , but depends both on the interaction required with the object and the expertise of the observer ( Tanaka & Taylor , 1991 ) .
4 In response , it is not difficult to produce examples from the practice of science that illustrate the same point , namely , that what observers see , the subjective experiences that they undergo , when viewing an object or scene is not determined solely by the images on their retinas but depends also on the experience , knowledge , expectations and general inner state of the observer .
5 His other inventions included the Maxaman ventilator and resuscitator , a life support unit which allows the victim to breathe oxygen freely at his own rhythm but acts automatically in the case of respiratory failure .
6 In practice , this means the recognition process lags behind the production of the writing , usually by one or two characters , but keeps up with the speed of the writer [ Tappert , 1989 ] .
7 ‘ I go by there most days , ’ said the farmer , proving himself to be the sort of chap who does not mess about but gets straight to the point .
8 Howard has a rather formal , almost rhetorical way of speaking , and a deliberate delivery that has been taken for hesitancy , but seems more like the manner of someone who weighs and measures his words .
9 He has made comedies , but seems quite without the vision that elevates humour to satire .
10 The pollen tube requires a whole year to grow down and reach the egg , but once there , it contacts the egg cell directly and the male cell , after descending the tube , does not tarry in a drop of water but fuses directly with the egg .
11 In a word like ‘ bottle ’ the weak second syllable contains no vowel at all , but consists entirely of the consonant .
12 This approach has the merit of allocating advertising expenditure to specific targets , but relies heavily on the organization 's ability to define its objectives realistically .
13 but if the elderly pensioner does n't read all the solicitor 's correspondence or the solicitor does n't communicate every fact of the correspondence but relies solely on the brochure they 're carrying in their pocket or their handbag the brochure taken in isolation might mislead might it not ?
14 " A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland " written by Martin Martin who was a doctor in Skye was published in 1703 and mentions Finlaggan , the mines , forts , caves , the well that moved itself here from Colonsay , and gives a list of churches , but tells little about the way of life .
15 " A Description of the Western Islands of Scotland " written by Martin Martin who was a doctor in Skye was published in 1703 and mentions Finlaggan , the mines , forts , caves , the well that moved itself here from Colonsay , and gives a list of churches , but tells little about the way of life .
16 THERE are times when life not only kicks you in the teeth , but follows up with the knee in the groin and the rabbit punch to the back of the neck as well .
17 This first capacitor charges to the peaks of the rectified sinewave potential during forward intervals but discharges somewhat through the load during reverse intervals as the rectified e.m.f. first falls from its peak value and then rises back to the potential difference retained on the capacitor .
18 It arises in the field but moves out of the field to create a destination .
19 In some of the series it is compressed by the top margin of the frame but pours out of the bottom in great rivers of paint .
20 In the US it has been held that the Fourth Amendment governs not only the seizure of tangible items , but extends also to the recording of oral statements .
21 It flowers early but continues on through the summer .
22 OIL production by member states of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries dropped 900,000 barrels a day to 23.5m last month but remains well above the cartel 's target level of 22.9m for the first half , the International Energy Agency has said .
23 But does all of the deuterium fuse , or even any of it ?
24 The pedal dermatitis responds poorly to symptomatic treatment , but regresses gradually in the absence of reinfection .
25 The sketches on pages 108 and 109 demonstrate two popular types , one with a spring-loaded hanger which is retained internally by a split pin anchor , the other with a pull-through which is not spring-loaded but comes right through the tube after releasing a bear squad in any multiple drop .
26 When she married she moved away , but comes back to the village with her husband and son for the annual feast — as does her sister and members of other families who have moved .
27 He argues that petty commodity production exists as a subordinate form in all modes of production , but thrives particularly in the transition from feudalism to capitalism .
28 Flying in the wind to cheers and raucous pipe music , the banner does not halt under the national flag , but carries on up the flagpole , vying with the tricolour until it covers it triumphantly .
29 The successful artiste is neither timorous nor tremulous but leaps around on the high-wire glittering with outrageous élan and gathering applause .
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