Example sentences of "but [pers pn] is [adj] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But he is confident that some announcements will be made by year-end on those who have decided to take up the offer .
2 He does not believe that Britain lacks for entrepreneurs , but he is concerned that many of them do not do their homework well enough .
3 Such an advanced social and administrative development is certainly apparent in seventh century Kentish law-codes ; but it is odd that these make little provision for economic transactions .
4 But it is possible that all this evaluation of sites and techniques may be wasted .
5 It is not clear how such appointments related to the right of the steward of a specific lordship to appoint his own deputy , but it is possible that two deputies coexisted .
6 It is not clear how such appointments related to the right of the steward of a specific lordship to appoint his own deputy , but it is possible that two deputies coexisted .
7 But it is possible that warmer soil temperatures contribute in part to greater fine root mortality rates in the southern forest ( Table 1 ) .
8 But it is possible that both views were influenced by hindsight and that matters seemed less clear-cut at the time .
9 But it is possible that both views were influenced by hindsight and that matters seemed less clear-cut at the time .
10 Quantitative measures of its effect are hard to come by , but it is possible that some co-citation clusters may be subject to this form of coupling distortion .
11 We initiated the solution of P2 by solving LP ( 1 , θ ) , but it is possible that this problem is unbounded whereas LP ( 1 , θ ) has a solution for some other values of θ .
12 All accommodation and resorts are described as they are seen , but it is possible that local conditions and changes could affect the situation quite significantly .
13 But it is possible that more or less than this number may develop .
14 I do n't think anyone is sure what happened to cause it , but it is certain that one aircraft loaded with incendiaries started to burn and the fire spread to the two aircraft on either side .
15 But it is certain that superstitious practices and pagan activities had not died out .
16 Different sociologists have adopted these different views , and others fall in between , but it is certain that any theory of stratification owes a great debt to Marx 's account of classes , even if the sociologist ends up rejecting Marx as mistaken or overtaken by history .
17 Such information can not be gathered with such precision as numerical data , but it is essential that each area be investigated to ensure that there is a balance between worship , fellowship , learning , evangelism and service .
18 Members of the Group , and others , can provide some support to users , but it is essential that each request for assistance should be noted centrally , so that a record of problems , and actions taken in response , can be built up .
19 Employers and workers make mistakes in unscrambling what is happening to real wages , but it is essential that these mistakes be made in opposite directions .
20 We recognize that often revision has consisted simply of repetition of the same type of exercise that was used in learning the topic , but it is self-evident that effective revision must involve the synthesis with the assimilation of the new concepts and techniques by the pupil .
21 Writing of Andrewes ' public life he concludes , ‘ It is a cause of thanksgiving that Andrewes can be convicted of weakness rather than malice , but it is sad that either alternative should have to be attributed to such a man . ’
22 In recent years members of Darlington Lecture Association have heard some remarkable stories but it is probable that few have been so remarkable or so moving as that which John Hawkridge will tell on Monday .
23 As we move on to the fifteenth century , it is hard to judge the extent or the severity of individual outbreaks of plague or of other diseases , but it is probable that some of the epidemics which occurred in urban centres , where plague was most common , were on a sufficient scale to outweigh any natural increase in the population .
24 But it is noticeable that such information is commoner in those sections of Thucydides ' narrative ( books iii and iv ) which date from years when he himself was a general and had privileged access to the deliberations in the strategeion .
25 These were the critical years , but it is arguable that this was the critical place .
26 Who thought of them can only be imagined , but it is obvious that some are attributed to the physical build or character while others have probably got connections with the work they did , terms which have died with them .
27 This explains the wide brackets ( e.g. 70–110 or 80 — 130 ) suggested by John with wise caution , but it is unfortunate that adequate groups were not available from sites with brief periods of occupation .
28 ‘ We have made various recommendations for strengthening the rural school , but it is evident that effective re-organisation will demand the closure of schools which are ceasing to meet the needs of the community , and the creation of larger schools in the right locations . ’
29 Some of the recent migrants have returned to their home regions as the fighting diminished , but it is unlikely that all will return to the countryside .
30 Coventry 's Great Fair was part of the festival of Corpus Christi at midsummer , and included a large procession , but it is unlikely that such a pagan feature as the nude ride would have survived the Church 's hostility .
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