Example sentences of "but [pers pn] [vb past] up the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Oh they , they say it 's all controllable so that I 've , I 've answered , I have n't just let the Environmental Health wash over me I 've actually written back to them again , er I 'll be interested to see whether I get a letter back from them , but I phoned up the Council this morning and they 're rejecting on two grounds , one is to do with the highway and the sort of the traffic situation coming in there , although the , the authority , the Highway Department are n't objecting to it and the other one is erm , on local environmental issues I think you know that is , is unsuitably , unsuitable environmentally to the area well I can only say that I 'm grateful to the planning , to the planning offices for they 're going out on a limb if you like because I think they 're on thin ice erm and so long as the committee will , will back them up I mean I do n't know of what else I could of done as a person
2 The honey was fermenting but she chewed up the nut and swallowed it avidly ; then , encouraged by Tom , she dipped her finger in the honey and licked it clean .
3 ‘ Course , in time she came to know her mother 's death was n't an ordinary drowning accident , but she kept up the pretence .
4 He was right , of course , she knew that , but she picked up the brandy Mick got her and downed it in one , then hovered on the edge of her seat until he gave up and walked her home .
5 Anne 's face was red and she felt ready to burst with anger but she picked up the baby and escaped to the bathroom .
6 With the professors ' backing , disaffected St Petersburg students tried to set up a " free university " at the beginning of 1862 , but they gave up the attempt after a month when the government arrested a professor for lecturing in a supposedly provocative manner on the upcoming national millennium .
7 But he got up the front of the line and he got the job .
8 Maybe he had a little doubt as he approached the ramp , but he opened up the throttle again and landed on the rear wheel , as planned . ’
9 I lost a lot of pictures , but it opened up the night-time for me and I felt that the mood came out .
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