Example sentences of "but [prep] the same [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Search coils ’ can measure local magnetic fields , but with the same problems as Langmuir probes .
2 Mac came in fifth but with the same time as Richard , the Frenchman , and after a British protest he was allowed to go forward as the track had a nine-lane straight .
3 But in the same way that the sexual act is losing its meaning , in pub scene , or baroque interior , or city flat , with the result that we are brought to question whatever meaning it once may seem to have possessed , so in The Waste Land the rituals of religion appear also to be failing .
4 But in the same way that real poverty has always given birth to real revolution , this feigned poverty of the adventurous would breed a false-bottomed , jerry-built revolution in which the adventurers would continue their make-believe and be followed by the rock-concert lumpen , tired of their own voyeurism . ’
5 But in the same way that the adoption of helmets and other protective equipment has altered the behaviour of cricketers , cycle helmet wearing is likely to encourage riskier cycling . ’
6 Lillywhite was fourth and Smith ninth but in the same time as the second placed man , ensuring them the top two places overall .
7 Rose Hilaire was in a side ward on another floor , but in the same hospital as the man who tried to kill her .
8 Late fetal death ratios vary with maternal age even more markedly but in the same matter as infant and , particularly , neonatal mortality ( Table 11 ) .
9 Brady will go to the ball , but in the same role as Best and Johnny Giles : media pundit .
10 So , essentially , what we 've got here is a ‘ 59-style rosewood-board Stratocaster — not a Custom Shop model , but from the same line as the Strat Plus and the Clapton Strat .
11 Once again , the male homosexual is someone who refuses to risk himself in relation to the other , but now the risk is not in relation to the opposite sex ( as in Scruton and Mailer ) , but to the same sex as rival .
12 Eventually some girls may have hunted , but without the same enthusiasm or hysteria as the boys .
13 La Berade is popular in mid-season and overspill is allowed in clearings down the valley , but at the same price as the actual site .
14 Yes that does n't exclude but includes all of that , but at the same time although everybody that 's going to read it may not understand the intricacies of it all as professionals we 're giving more than a passing nod , so that was something else , er er and something more involved than English teacher than making them jump through loops
15 Right , well , well , actually yes , what , what you look at , is , is what 's important to you and you put a cash value on it , and it might be the mortgage , it might be education , it might be giving yourself a couple of years ' salary and paying debts or whatever , er , and the security of knowing that O K , if I die , I 'm not leaving a problem for my family , but at the same time if I 'm in a situation where I get a serious illness and I ca n't bring in an income , I 'm securing my , my , my future in that respect .
16 but at the same time if it was , if it 's in boxes you
17 Because God 's home is always open , it means that we are always welcome and there is always forgiveness , God is giving us space to present himself to our hearts as a God of love but at the same time as a God who wants us to grow into his likeness .
18 One of their interventions , the family smoking education project , had worked in Norway , but at the same time as the price , availability , and promotion of cigarettes were being controlled .
19 But at the same time as my accusation was being assessed by a prestigious board of Edinburgh academics , just a departmental door away a female student and her male lecturer were engaging in clandestine consensual sex .
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