Example sentences of "but [prep] the [noun sg] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 The videotaping of the child 's statement comes at a crucial point in that process but for the child it is only one part of it .
2 Oh , you get the few stalwarts who come year after year , but for the majority it 's their one and only chance to be pampered , to see places they might otherwise never see . ’
3 Much of the deterrent value of the installation lies in having a box on the wall outside the house , but for the rest it is a matter of personal inclination .
4 That may have been true , but for the moment it 's irrelevant . ’
5 But for the moment it is right to take stock of how much has already been achieved — to the benefit of us all .
6 But for the moment it is enough to recognize that even unanimity can have its problematic aspects ; and , since unanimity is so rarely achieved on a large scale , we need to consider next the next best thing , the principle with which democracy is very often crudely identified : majority decision-taking or majority rule .
7 This is a broad , catch-all term which ‘ gatecrashed the literature , thereby avoiding the entrance fee of a definition ’ ( Blackaby , 1979 , p. 2 ) ; the question of definitions is taken up in Chapter 2 but for the moment it is important to note that it is a misleading term for it is often used to describe the relative decline of manufacturing industry rather than industry as a whole which includes primary industries like mining , quarrying and oil and gas production and also includes construction and transport .
8 We shall be looking at this point more closely later , but for the moment it is sufficient to point out that the gift of the Spirit at Pentecost to all believers without distinction fulfilled one further hope of the prophets of old .
9 It looks like the Microsoft Ballpoint , but under the skin it 's different .
10 Here , in the gymnasia and exercise studios , they are now worrying not so much about the effects of heavy-duty exercise on their bodily contours , but with the havoc it is wreaking on their faces .
11 Of course the bigger clients are getting the message and do keep in touch but with the rest it 's proving hard work teasing out the issues and reassuring there 's value in it for them .
12 er if you go to er , er a major store , if you go to Marks and Spencers , somewhere like that , it 's on a return basis , but with the market it 's a little bit here today gone tomorrow
13 The first method — each bell unique but each ringing everywhere — means that the ‘ message ’ of the bell lies in its specific sound ; in the second , the message lies not in the bell , but in the way it is wired up .
14 But in the performance it is a totally different thing .
15 Individuals will approach a Lect/Dem. differently and the details will vary , but in the main it is more practical to take a piece of apparatus and say all you want to about its use before going on to the next piece .
16 But in the end it 's not — because at 18 you 're just dropped .
17 But in the end it 's what 's inside that counts .
18 Erm , it it , it makes it very , very difficult to imagine how you 'll recover erm , but in the end it 's a personal decision to , to try to achieve self respect , to care for yourself better , to adopt good habits of nutrition and exercise , not dieting , cos diets are the biggest con trick of all and certainly , to rid your life of people who do n't respect and accept you the way you are .
19 All that was fine and good , but in the end it 's not enough to have someone who makes the trains run on time .
20 If people disagree , fine , but in the end it 's me who 'll get the sack if things go wrong . ’
21 Erm but in the end it 's all estates division anyway .
22 But in the end it 's probably best not to know who and where it all was .
23 Yes , but in the end it is always the Berg Three Orchestral Pieces that moves me most .
24 The French are pragmatic to the point of openness over their illegal activities but in the end it is the smallest and most immoral of them all , Mossad , which is the most efficient .
25 They are separable ; but in the end it is only when process and artists come together that the most memorable work is achieved : when Dürer and woodcut , Daniell and aquatint , Greenaway and colour printing meet in immortal partnership .
26 Action in the majority of adventure stories is seen both to affect and to be affected by character but in the end it is action that has the final word , in the romantic happy ending in which the heroism of man is affirmed .
27 Various calculations can be made as to the continued profitability of the project , the likelihood of further funds and the possibility of selling what has been done so far , but in the end it is still an open-ended situation depending on the calculation of risk .
28 Though this is not to say that abortion is a topic to be taken lightly as it is a human life a woman is dealing with and I think she should think carefully about all her options before she makes a decision but in the end it is her baby and up to her what happens .
29 But in the end it is all up to the stewards .
30 A canon may not be a bad thing in itself , but within the institution it is worthwhile for both staff and students to ask why we are studying these texts ?
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