Example sentences of "but [adv] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , and therefore it feels it would be disingenuous of it to support the principle at this stage , it may well lead to a situation where were encouraging the County to go down a particular route , but only to get to the very end of it for us to pull the rug from beneath the County 's feet .
2 It enables everyone involved to understand the Process that is going on , it makes it possible for grieving people to be looked after for a while , but not to sink into a chronic mourning state , because everyone knows when it is meant to be finished , and when the bereaved people are meant to pick up their responsibilities again .
3 I think it boils down to the fact that it 's fairly economic to transport vast quantities of people but not to transport from the outer edges and the odd bits in the middle and there 's no way that they 're going to get a full and comprehensive service come what may .
4 But just to add to the usual conspiracy theories — why could n't it be repeated at the end of the game — surely it was one of the key points of the game .
5 She personally recruited university-trained teachers , who were prepared not only to provide their services free but also to participate in the social life of the college .
6 The traffic is steadily building up , both as a day trip or weekend outing , but also to cater for the increasing number of second homes in the north of France within easy motoring of the airport , whose car park is full of Jersey , Guernsey and GB-plated cars .
7 In the second appeal , counsel thought it might have been relevant that the accused was shown not only to be the possessor of a deep , gruff voice , but also to hail from a working-class area of Dublin .
8 That is why today , some years on , at a Lloyd club near you , there is the opportunity not only to play tennis ( naturally ) squash , and racket ball , but also to benefit from the wider aspects of health and fitness via the clubs fitness facilities and aerobics classes .
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