Example sentences of "but [adv] [vb pp] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 From his study of several village communities in Wiltshire , for example , Ingram has found that the great majority of villagers did not belong to polarized extremes , but rather adhered to a conventional mainstream Protestantism ; furthermore , Ingram believes it was the youth of the parish , rather than the least well-off , who were the most indifferent to religion and most impervious to moral discipline .
2 By way of variation , though , she sang a simple setting of a poignant old Irish poem , which began in a lovely duet between her and Kellock , with drummer John Rae on bodhran , but eventually turned into a full-steam work out for the trio , which was completed by bass player Andy Mitchell .
3 Because of the changed security situation and that type of er conflict not being envisaged in the same way now , what we felt was important was to be able to operate er apart from main operating bases , but also from sort of general purpose erm strips , flying clubs and those type of smaller airfields and therefore rather than looking at the damaged runway situation , we looked at the smaller strips and took a length that we could sensibly operate from erm and took that as the yardstick but clearly notwithstanding that , there is the prospect of damaged runways and therefore the slight relaxation would also apply to damaged runways but perhaps damaged to a lesser extent .
4 He was replaced by Clement Attlee , the party 's first public-school educated middle-class leader who was widely but wrongly regarded as a temporary appointment .
5 Unlike Virginia Woolf she did not seek ‘ new words and new methods ’ for women on earth , but only dreamed of a heavenly free-space .
6 In April and May of this year , the Junior Minister of Health , in April Tom announced from the shared platform with David , the Tory MP for Havant , but better known as a leading member of the Tory think tank , that regulations had been lifted to allow private capital to have free access to the N H S.
7 All the bedrooms are simply but comfortably furnished with a direct-dial telephone , and a safety deposit box , and both single and twin bedrooms have a balcony .
8 Without hard evidence , he remained sceptical of the Interfor Report 's findings , but nevertheless called for a genuine public inquiry .
9 there 's nothing wonderful about the cotton , but the cushions look absolutely superb because there were just thin lines of the , you can tell it was when you looked at it quite cheap ribbon but just arranged in a beautiful square and then a little bit of lace .
10 The inquiry had been established in 1987 by National Party state Premier Sir Johannes Bjelke Petersen as a sop to the opposition , but gradually developed into a thorough examination of institutionalized corruption within the state .
11 By the 1880s the Longhorn was almost extinct but always regarded with a certain fondness as a quaint and essentially useful animal which appealed to cattle-lovers in spite of its commercial faults .
12 Behaviour is never culturally neutral , but always embedded within a shared set of meanings .
13 He was flurried , middle-aged , but smartly dressed in a blue suit .
14 The radial shields are large , longer than broad , sometimes contiguous but usually separated by a single row of plates .
15 Alternatively , the speaker can use a summarising phrase , often repeating the introductory expression , not necessarily low in pitch , but also followed by a lengthy pause .
16 He was not only able to make most of his subjects feel proud of being Italians but also succeeded to a great extent in making them believe that his great dream of giving Italy an important place in the world , as important as that of Britain and France , could become a reality .
17 Culpeper was famous for his optical instruments , especially microscopes , but also known for a wide variety of mathematical instruments in silver , brass , ivory , and wood , although it is difficult to determine at what point he moved from being a maker to a retailer .
18 It is the problem of an avant garde in the eighties : still without an audience , but now deprived of a viable vanguardist ideology .
19 The woodwork , once painted white but now faded to a dingy cream with a grey deposit in the crevices , was chipped and scuffed and the pattern of leaves and flowers on the stair carpet had long since been reduced to a brownish blur .
20 Such a debate over localization reflects the conflicting evidence from human data but now translated into a cellular language .
21 As Sandra Hannington said their idea was deceptively simple , but cunningly designed with a revolving window revealing the various debt collection stages in order .
22 After 1968 , genuine approval of his anti-Soviet stance gave a boost to the incipient cult and by 1974 it had already reached its high-point , from which it never subsided , but simply spread to a suffocating extent into all areas of public life .
23 Lenin 's ‘ new model of socialism ’ , they argued , had been put into effect during the 1920s , but then replaced by a Stalinist system which had ‘ created an alienation of the individual from ownership , from power and from the results of his work ’ .
24 A World Apart was brilliant in its way but tightly focussed on a white mother and daughter ; Cry Freedom 's black scenes were much less convincing than its white , and descended into an adventure yarn ; while Mapantsula offered a portrait of a gangster without attempting to seize the big picture .
25 In Lean 's film The Sound Barrier ( 1952 ) , the central character , an engineer , is portrayed as a more deeply ambivalent figure , driven by his ambition to build a plane that goes faster than the speed of sound , seemingly prepared to accept the loss of his son and a pilot in pursuit of his dream , but actually torn by a deep sense of what he has lost .
26 What hedges still remain are no longer laid but occasionally slashed by a mobile mechanical flail .
27 It was larger than Dalgliesh had expected , but poorly lit from a single round window with pivoting opaque glass set about four feet from the floor .
28 The shoemaker 's daughter was pretty enough but poorly dressed with a Welsh shawl over her shoulders and not even a hat to cover her hair .
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