Example sentences of "but [pron] also [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Twin Oaks looks a great type for the fences and may be the hardest to beat but I also have a healthy respect for Cool Ground and Brown Windsor .
2 How to define the topic for discussion is obviously a difficult one , as Nash admitted in his own study , which had ostensibly a broader subject for its title , but which also had a great deal to say about jokes .
3 Rather , it is the case that people with a fairly strong religious tradition may react to crises by turning back to the traditional patterns of belief which not only made sense of their individual predicaments but which also created a strong sense of communal solidarity .
4 But she also had a big dowry .
5 But she also spends a great deal of time walking and studying , in the day , at night .
6 It was a tranquil feeling but she also knew a strange sadness .
7 In the by-elections , I rapidly became disillusioned by the men who not only ended up taking credit for the Group 's existence but who also displayed a total lack of understanding about issues affecting Asian women in Britain .
8 ‘ All the best colleges offer first class tuition , but we also allocate a personal tutor to each student , even one who is only with us for three months .
9 A Chilean spokesman argued that " we want a pollution-free Antarctica , but we also want a useful Antarctica , not a frozen museum protected under a glass case " .
10 For comic relief , obviously ; but we also suspect a topical reference worth considering as evidence in the dating game .
11 Certainly they were decorative and they must have added a barbaric vibrancy to the temple 's complex roof-line , but they also indicate a general dedication of the building to Poteidan .
12 Its words are deeply personal ( ‘ I only know what I believe ’ ) but they also paint a bigger picture , of man in The New Age .
13 Its words are deeply personal ( ‘ I only know what I believe ’ ) but they also paint a bigger picture , of man in The New Age .
14 They may have some specific items that are to be bought but they also have a general readiness to look around and be tempted by what they might see .
15 But they also have a steep learning curve for the uninitiated , which is something to consider before taking the plunge .
16 But they also have a steadier , more sober way of edging themselves forward with their front pair of fins .
17 If you go along to a good quality golf course they have the score card a planner but they also have a little script that tells you about the hole .
18 But he also recognises a genuine wish among a notoriously apathetic electorate for an alternative to the failed sectarian system , upon which even the Alliance must rely for its existence .
19 ‘ Riddle drew the usual wages from the bank on Friday , sir , but he also cashed a personal cheque for two hundred and ninety pounds . ’
20 Erm and er , but he also had a major drinking problem .
21 He was both fascinated by chickens and everything to do with them , but he also had a great dislike of them .
22 But he also had a genuine vocation for healing — a vocation which he was unable to satisfy because his poor background prevented his going to medical college . ’
23 The vet wrapped it up but he also had a little thing on his ear so he cut that out as well and he 's gon na wear the collar to stop him scratching his ear and
24 He calls himself a ‘ stopper , ’ with his greatest ability being able to pounce on anything earthbound that should cross his territory , but he also has a fine pair of catching hands , and he took many full-blooded cuts and slashes through the expansive point area during the World Cup .
25 But he also showed a striking interest in international developments , particularly the progress of the Protestant cause in France and Germany during the Thirty Years ' War .
26 But he also issued a serious warning to both Democrats and Republicans that the old ways of taking the US into ‘ economic ruin and social chaos ’ were over .
27 Every letter contains a message — it may confirm an order , complain about a late delivery or clarify a point — but it also does a great deal more .
28 As Shalev ( 1981 ) points out , comparative analysis not only raises substantively interesting and important questions but it also offers a natural and fruitful avenue for the advance of the discipline as a whole .
29 Investment business — grasping the nettle Investment business holds pitfalls for the unwary but it also offers a significant business opportunity
30 Male hostility to the notion that women could assume active roles within the social and political spheres of the movement in part prompted the guild , but it also endowed a jealously-guarded independence that enabled the guild to work outside the political boundaries of accepted cooperative practice .
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