Example sentences of "but [pron] [verb] [pers pn] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He said : ‘ The van was not there at 6pm but I noticed it a little bit later .
2 I do n't , cos it ai n't polite with strangers , but I give her a real nice smile instead .
3 It is neither the ninety seven thousand , nine hundred and fifty seven pounds claim by Mr nor the forty seven thousand one hundred and eighty five pound figure contended for by Mr but I find it a fair figure for the cost of the plaintiff 's transport in the years ahead .
4 But I gave her a cold stare and fluffed my fur out ; I could n't have her thinking I was a pushover .
5 I got out of the car and ran to my front door , my mum answered the door , she looked quite different but I gave her a massive cuddle and went indoors .
6 She passed several men , but none gave her a second glance .
7 But she offered me a nice sunny room under the eaves at the back .
8 He waved to me , but she gave me a menacing glare .
9 I intended to ask the Baronessa Dulcibene why she had come to pay her last respects to this mysterious Englishman but she gave me a glassy look of non-recognition and moved rapidly away with her companion .
10 She had been disappointed in her first sight of him , but she gave him an amused little smile , hoping that he was not one who doted on cats .
11 And the other thing about visual things , let's , let's say there is a reference to somebody having piles , but they make it a visual gag
12 This Meeting know they have no title to impose a Tax upon the Community at large towards this purpose , but they feel it an indispensible duty to express how desirable it would be for the use and service of the inhabitabts of Islay .
13 The arguments were upsetting , but they gave them a burning desire to win — to prove officialdom wrong .
14 ‘ I do , ’ she answered , ‘ but everybody gives it a different name .
15 I was certain he did n't know I was following him , but he led me a pretty dance almost as if he was trying to lose me .
16 One eveing I dared to stretch out my hand to his plate , but he struck me a sharp blow over the back of my fingers .
17 He was ever so sorry not to see you but he wished you a merry Christmas . ’
18 But he thought it a reasonable request to ask for a route and he took himself away to Tara 's great map room to procure maps for them .
19 But he gave me a good smile and a big goodbye when I left him so .
20 But he gave me a hard time .
21 There was enough dirt on his knees to grow potatoes , and his short trousers obviously belonged to someone at least three years younger , but he gave her a toothless grin , slid back in his seat and picked his nose .
22 But he gave her a smouldering glance and said , ‘ This change in the weather could n't have come at a worse time .
23 A few people were waiting and one of them called out angrily as Joe stepped in ahead of them all , but he gave him a one-second blast of his sub-zero gaze and said , ‘ Police business , ’ and then he turned his back and forgot the man completely .
24 One of them , Stuart Surridge , did not live to see the production , which is dedicated to him ; but he gave it a memorable quote when he reflected on his Surrey players of the 1950s , with whom he won five consecutive County Championships : they were a great side , he recalled : ‘ All they wanted was a kick up the arse ! ’
25 It took them I ca n't remember how many hours but it took them a long time .
26 But it took us a long time to actually get to that stage because er , the police are at fault , the police launch these schemes and they go away and say get on with it and off we go
27 ‘ When I came out again my weight had gone down to 8 stone and it 's definitely an experience I would n't like to go through again , but it gives you a new outlook on life .
28 His dream of covering whole counties with a giant speaking-tube may be grotesque in itself , but it makes him a remote ancestor of Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell .
29 But it gave her a clear view into the houses backing on to the tracks , the private mess usually tidied out of sight , the outside lavatories with unhinged doors , the laundry racks flimsy as the skeleton of a bird 's wing , with trousers and underwear like broken feathers hanging ; a burst , sodden mattress .
30 It hardly made him a frequent visitor , but it gave him a few numbers to ring .
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