Example sentences of "but [prep] [art] [noun pl] of the " in BNC.

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1 Birds did it all the time with ease and grace , but for the crews of the bombers that flew from Fenton Bishop aerodrome she knew that to take off meant dry-mouthed apprehension and an ice-cold hand that twisted your guts and made you want to throw up the supper you had neither tasted nor enjoyed .
2 But for the titles of the books on the shelves , however , Harry felt it would have served for the conduct of almost any other business than that of healing troubled minds .
3 But for the clients of the Thatcher order in the south and east of the nation , it was more than enough .
4 We have been told nothing about the time of year , but for the purposes of the story we must assume that the rains have come , and the waters are high and fast , even though the women and children have got across safely enough .
5 These call-slips , as submitted , already contained much of the information required , but for the purposes of the Survey additional information was added to them both by the members of staff to whom they were submitted , and by fieldwork students from the College of Librarianship Wales who physically examined the requested items before their delivery to readers .
6 To his surprise , he was not asked for McLean : ‘ Widening gulf ’ details of the attacks , but about the origins of the SMG 's involvement with the case , which had originally been referred to the SMG by the council .
7 It is one of many indications of the limits , not only of Anselm 's notion of his own responsibility as archbishop , but of the concerns of the Church as a whole .
8 Okay , so he did n't have a wife of his own — but of the wives of the men he knew , Elsa Lawrence was the first in line .
9 His predecessor , Centwine , abdicated on his conversion to enter a monastery , but of the details of the process by which Caedwalla established himself over the western Saxons nothing is known .
10 They had placed linen wadding soaked in water around her to keep her body cool , but despite the attentions of the attendants there was no stopping the persistent flies , and although it was still early enough in the season of shemu for the sun 's heat to be mild , her face was already puffy .
11 These may originally have been compiled by a Touraine monastic house so that the new rulers of the area could be commemorated in its prayers ; but like the genealogies of the comital house of Flanders , they were soon adapted to a more secular purpose .
12 The style and reporting of such excavations changed little , with a plan accompanied by descriptions and drawings of cremation urns at a small scale , but with no details of the ‘ grave ’ or the disposition of the contents .
13 Herr Hamnett was an Englishman , as you probably know ; he spoke perfect German , but with the accents of the north .
14 Mike Roles ' half-lifesize photosculpture The Cricketer is the end result of a deep fascination , not with the game of cricket — he does n't play it and he 's no devotee — but with the movements of the players .
15 He told of the Black Sea fishing collective where the catch was counted not in kilos of fish flesh but in the grams of the salted roe of the sturgeon .
16 But in the wings of the world 's first ‘ Earth Summit ’ , environmentalists are still being harassed and killed by police , and street children , abused and tortured .
17 Pericles , in the funeral speech attributed to him by Thucydides , was clear that a withdrawal by the citizen from public life into privacy was not acceptable : " Here each individual is interested not only in his own affairs but in the affairs of the state as well … we do not say that a man who takes no interest in politics is a man who minds his own business ; we say that he has no business here at all . "
18 But in the accounts of the business the distinction is not made .
19 But in the ghosts of the house ‘ we have little interest … ‘ , he wrote .
20 But in the words of the former Irish minister Bobby Molloy , who represents Galway City in the Irish Parliament : ‘ A major change occurred ’ .
21 But in the minds of the sick it suffers a mutation : the lens becomes a prism , it refracts and splinters the uniform vision of the ideal interracial society .
22 This is what has made some people think that in this work the distinction between good and bad is simply arbitrary , residing not in the nature of the characters but in the needs of the plot .
23 But in the hands of the medical profession the original crude jab became elaborated into a less safe deep incision followed by expensive treatments ( Razzell 1977 ) .
24 After the great divide had been effected , it was time for the mystics to find a new way to cross the abyss and rediscover the old unity — not , this time , in the outside world but in the depths of the self .
25 An old Cole Porter song goes ’ How strange , the change from Major to Miner , ’ but in the depths of the Herefordshire countryside , it seems to make sense .
26 Jean de Grilly 's behaviour towards the house of Béarn had been bad enough in 1284 , but in the eyes of the count the arrogant and arbitrary actions of Eustache de Beaumarchais 's lieutenant in 1292 were even worse .
27 But in the eyes of the law she is a woman in name alone
28 But within the fields of the subtle tattwas comprising the inner energetic format , matrix or tapestry which makes each creature what it is , each one also possesses subtle perceptive abilities , just as we do .
29 However , the finest study for a painting — and the fabulous moment in the show — does not emanate from Holkham but is a Raphael drawing acquired by our National Gallery through private treaty , and purchased not via national funding bodies alone but from the legacies of the late Keith Andrews ( Print Room Keeper 1958-85 , a devoted scholar and delightful personality ) and his sister Rene .
30 the roots of reductionism seem to drive not so much from a free-floating tolerance on the part of the people in general but from the convictions of the most influential elites that crime is best combated by social and institutional , rather than specifically penal means .
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