Example sentences of "but [verb] a [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Sir William dealt with this in his own typical fashion , hanging three Douglas ringleaders there and then , but demanding a like example to be made of the Hamiltons , which was scarcely equitable , since the Douglases had started it all and were three times as numerous as their hereditary foes .
2 This however is not due to a desire to rock'n'roll but represents an instinctive response to signals interpreted by their mind configuration as a call to food , sex or perhaps just good arachnid company .
3 See paper being made following the traditional method , but using a recycled base to which fragments of plant leaves and petals are added for colour and texture
4 The argument is feeble , but made a natural appeal to those who wanted to prove racial inferiority , e.g. of blacks to whites — or for that matter of anyone to whites .
5 This family of views , which derives from many of the same commitments as its predecessors , but owes a great deal to the development of the computer , has among others the rather unenlightening labels functionalism , cognitive science , cognitive psychology , and artificial intelligence-several of which labels obviously have other uses .
6 In this respect this is not a ‘ pure ’ trust clause , for it does not merely confirm bequests but adds a new element to their payability .
7 Out of control it caused dreadful havoc , but when it ran smoothly and sweetly it not only modified life 's aridity but added a pleasing dimension to the view , while Lydia , at present , was using it only to make mud pies .
8 This is important since phonological variation in words is not arbitrary but bears a direct correspondence to expressed meaning .
9 Mind you , even he had to admit that this ‘ new ’ guitar was really not so new — more an instrument slotted between several others , not exactly copying any of them , but owing a good deal to several .
10 As the queen-dowager had informed them , she was but paying a brief visit to the palace , out of respect for her young lord and would be returning to the sanctuary very shortly .
11 The object of the exercise … was not to enhance others ' enjoyment and understanding of Jane Austen , still less to honour t e novelist herself , but to put a definitive stop to the production of any further garbage on the subject .
12 In the first stage of training the subjects had received instructions to emit a given response ( a key-press in one study , a word in another ) to one of the tones and to the light , but to emit a different response to the other tone .
13 The new organizational and structural changes proposed in the Act are complex , but go a considerable way to addressing the problems outlined in Chapter 4 .
14 He played Bobby Dupea with explosive sensitivity , as a promising musician who rejects a career to become an oil-rigger ; a rebel who , like Nicholson himself , had the chance of taking a particular course in life which would have provided him with comfort and stability , but chose a different route to that which might have been expected of him .
15 Alf Game ( UKRHEEO ) is attempting to get more information for me , but suspects a political dimension to the decision .
16 Using a camera to record the progress of plant growth or of an experiment not only gives useful experience of photographic work but gives a particular slant to , or stimulus point for , subject study .
17 The " Churruca " family was fictitious , but bore a strong resemblance to Franco 's own .
18 SHORT-TERM political and commercial judgments can lead to commercial advantage but threaten a long-term commitment to shipping safety and quality , said Lloyd 's Register chairman Sir Roderick MacLeod in the 1991 report published yesterday .
19 To me the mist seemed like a veil of a moslem bride that is used not to hide but to reveal a subtler beauty to the lover .
20 A car is highly illiquid , but yields a high return to the owner .
21 Competition , feared at first for its degenerative effects on programme quality , was rationalized as consistent with public service principles , because it was not driven by competition for a single source of revenue , as in the USA , but ensured a proper sensitivity to audience needs .
22 Slightly bitter-flavoured , but makes a good addition to winter salads .
23 The volume and speed of traffic not only creates a sense of danger but makes a significant contribution to noise and air pollution .
24 Richard Hadlee 's brush with mental and physical breakdown is well enough known but makes a fitting climax to these tales .
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