Example sentences of "from the [adv] [verb] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 From the widely reported experience of the Victoria Press in London ( which survived into the 1880s , though Emily Faithfull had moved on by then ) and the lesser known and less successful Caledonian Press in Edinburgh , what provisional conclusions can usefully be drawn ?
2 There were several prominent Anglophobes in Truman 's Administration , like James Byrnes , the Secretary of State , but most of the opposition stemmed from the widely held belief within the American electorate that the United States should guard its lead , if not monopoly , in military and civil uses of atomic energy .
3 The above quotations represent excerpts from the briefly stated views of particular academics to some very general questions , typically in relation to their own course ; others in the same discipline might or might not agree with them .
4 The primary source for ‘ Kubla Khan ’ is the book Purchas his Pilgrimage ( 1614 ) which Coleridge had evidently brought with him on his Culbone visit — borrowed perhaps from the bookroom or from the well stocked library at Alfoxden — and which describes how ‘ In Xanada did Cublai Can build a stately Pallace . ’
5 Apart from the well known problem of casual interferences from non-experimental data , another important , less well known difficulty lies with the complex hierarchical structure of many social systems .
6 This is demonstrated by Lord Templeman 's quotation from the well known judgment of Lord Greene M.R. in Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd. v. Wednesbury Corporation [ 1948 ] 1 K.B .
7 The ‘ individual ’ approach adopts the former stance , always starting from the individually assessed needs of each child and trying to produce a ‘ match ’ between child and task ( albeit recognising that the modifications made may well have a beneficial spin-off effect for other children in the class ) .
8 Quite apart from the hotly debated issue of language capability , the existing great apes are all creatures which can survive only in very limited numbers on specialized diets in specialized tropical conditions while the species Homo is just the reverse .
9 For the first time a team from the newly formed State of Slovenia will be taking part .
10 Much of the savings , in the official view , will arise from the new structure 's needs for fewer managers , but even that is less than convincing for there is great scope for an increase in bureaucracy , from the need to dispatch the business deriving from the newly acquired functions to the formation of twice the number of existing education , roads and social work departments . ’
11 Whilst national debate has shifted the focus of urban regeneration policy away from the narrowly defined goals of physical development , the extension of its boundaries has forced MDC to confront the issues of jobs , training and social housing provision , although MDC would argue that these objectives were always part of its long-term agenda .
12 This has been encouraged by a build-up of phosphate levels as a result of fertilizer run-off from the intensively farmed areas in the river basin .
13 From the conference of Berchtesgaden in November 1937 to the Anschluss of Austria in March 1938 , from the increasingly threatening noises over Czechoslovakia in March 1938 to the abdication of Munich in September 1938 , from the last-ditch , desperate attempts to cobble together a tripartite agreement in May 1939 to the signing of the Nazi-Soviet pact in August 1939 , there was a sense of deathly inevitability compared to which Nizan 's repeated calls for collective security appear as no more than the efforts of a man crying in the wilderness .
14 The population density throughout Tayside varies from the densely populated cities of Dundee and Perth to the scattered populations in rural Perthshire and Angus .
15 In Indonesia , for example , there is a government policy to encourage the migration of people from the densely populated islands of Java , Madura and Bali to the more sparsely populated outer islands of the archipelago .
16 American banks will need years to recover from the now souring loans to property developers and leveraged buy-outs that followed their third-world lending .
17 It will allocate them in descending order from the highest priced bid to the lowest .
18 Low-level ozone , so called to distinguish it from the naturally forming ozone in the stratosphere which accounts for about 90 per cent of the ozone in the atmosphere , is created by the action of sunlight on oxides of nitrogen and reactive hydrocarbons ( volatile organic compounds ) emitted by vehicles and industry .
19 First , we may call the abstract unit of form which is realised in actual sentences as the appropriate member of a set of word forms differing only in respect of inflections a lexical form ; and we can extend the notion of lexical form to cover an abstraction from the variously inflected manifestations of an idiom or dead metaphor .
20 From the beautifully groomed hair to the dark intensity of his eyes he spelled wealth , power and hauteur .
21 Representatives from the recently formed Forum for the Defence of Human Rights met on Feb. 12 with the then Interior Minister Hekuran Isai , and received from him a list of 108 political prisoners who had been released unannounced since Jan. 6 , according to a Forum statement issued on Feb. 18 .
22 There are many splendid things to acquire , including the equipment from the recently installed gymnasium with its rowing machine and computer print-out , so you can envisage yourself sculling on the Thames .
23 The Palais always gave big prizes to dance competition winners everything from the fully fitted wardrobes of 1928 to the Mecca Gold Cup in 1940 .
24 In some ways it is similar to second language acquisition , but it appears to be different in that it starts from the natively acquired dialect as a base .
25 In one bar , supporters of the SNP leader , Alex Salmond , were recovering from the highly charged atmosphere of the meeting , at the end of which the party 's economy spokesman , Alex Neil , the industry spokesman , Roger Mullin , and the recently appointed transport spokesman , Kenny MacAskill , announced their resignations .
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