Example sentences of "from [det] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If the courts did give this construction to the term law they would be applying a very different thesis from that originally conceived by Gould .
2 In this context , inheritance plays a rather different role from that usually envisaged in discussions of the distribution of wealth .
3 Limited recourse debt is one of the kinds of debt envisaged in paragraph 58 of the [ draft ] FRS in that its legal nature differs from that usually associated with debt .
4 Subordinated debt is one of the kinds of debt envisaged in paragraph 58 of the [ draft ] FRS in that its legal nature differs from that usually associated with debt .
5 The motility patterns produced during intra-arterial infusion of carbachol ( 0.1 µmol/l ) were indistinguishable from those initially seen after harvest of the organ and those described in other mammals including man .
6 This is normally adequate to distinguish recently made objects — fakes — from those genuinely manufactured in antiquity .
7 Adopting this approach to the study of child abuse involves asking rather different questions from those usually asked by researchers .
8 As this may not always be the case , paragraph 58 requires a brief description of the obligations and legal arrangements relating to any debt which are different from those usually associated with debt .
9 Trapnel 's example brings attention to a distinctive problem about the nature of imitative voice which separates the culturally disenfranchised from those culturally empowered through education in formal eloquence .
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