Example sentences of "from [art] more [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Most of the infantry soldiers were recruited from the more backward tribes of the north , but many NCOs and the few junior African officers were from the literate south .
2 Third , the emphasis on groups , issues , policy-making , and action sucked attention away from the more unchanging aspects of British politics , from non-issues and non-groups , and from the winners and losers of the outcomes of public policy , and all of this suggests a picture rather at odds with the fair and equal pluralist heaven .
3 On the other hand , the growing emphasis on the achievement of targets could divert attention from the more substantive concerns of railway management with running a service to ‘ meet the needs of industry and the public ’ , as BR 's aims and objectives put it ( BRB 1980r : 5 ) .
4 Ford , distrusting such easy agreement , would seek support for his views from the more experienced officers of the battalion , but those officers , such as Peter d'Alembord , doubted whether the Prince of Wales 's Own Volunteers could truthfully be called a veteran battalion .
5 In the aftermath of the Braer oil spill off the Shetlands [ see ED 67 ; 68 ] , UK shipowners have launched a voluntary code to keep tankers away from the more environmentally-sensitive stretches of British coastline .
6 My hypothesis is that there is a space for a socialist argument in favour of investment planning ; that such an argument could be presented in such a way as to appeal to organised labour and even to broader strata of the population concerned about employment prospects and their standard of living in retirement ; that if organised workers were to support the proposal they could use their union organisation to press for social accountability of their savings funds ; and that if the proposals were not linked to a ‘ dogmatic ’ pursuit of nationalisation they would stand a chance of recruiting some support from the more progressive elements of the state and corporate salariat — those whose technical expertise would be required in any such project , even if it is overlaid with oppressive ‘ professional ’ and ‘ managerial ’ ideologies — helping to isolate , so far as possible , reactionary financier elements .
7 There are great difficulties about this notion , however crudely one expresses it , and however firm the intuition that it is true , and they come from well-known considerations to do with unconscious and sub-conscious aspects of the mind , as well as from the more rococo possibilities of more than one conscious individual within a single body , which has recently been connected with research on the status and relationship of the two hemispheres of the brain ( cf.
8 The results may be low theory — confused , inconsistent , full of hyperbole and silence , but still theory , and theory which is compelled by necessity to draw key terms and assumptions from high theory , from the more systematic accounts of art , commerce , pleasure and class that are available .
9 Continuing our series on computing , this week we move from the more technical aspects of their working to consider ways in which they affect our routine and everyday lives .
10 In very general terms , these developments represent a shift in employment from the more ubiquitous services to those that are footloose ( Marquand 1979 ) .
11 Like many Welshmen in and around the Neath and Swansea valleys , he had made his way from the more rural communities of West Glamorganshire and Carmarthenshire , up the valleys towards Brecon , and then moved eastwards towards the concentration of new industries at Dowlais , Merthyr , Rhymney , Tredegar , Beaufort , Ebbw Vale , and Pontypool .
12 For example , proposals such as those to base service provision on charges or vouchers are impractical and tend only to increase the differences between the services available in different areas and to shift the costs from the more visible budgets of the services to the less visible ones of the individual , relatively powerless consumer : either their pockets or their time and energy will be hit .
13 However , his appreciation of the dangers from militant continental Catholicism did not blind him to the threat from the more radical varieties of Protestantism at home , and as Kenneth Fincham and Peter Lake have commented : ‘ it is difficult not to be impressed by the skill with which he handled both anti-Puritan and anti-papal stereotypes to create the ideological space within which the royal will could manoeuvre and policy be formulated . ’
14 They refused , therefore , to consider separating the Glasgow conurbation from the more distant parts of the region and the government accepted their opinion .
15 The stage directions are , however , those in the libretto and are quite substantially different from the more extensive ones in the score .
16 The ice and snow would disappear from the mountains , and as the new plants from the more temperate regions of the south migrated northwards , replacing the arctic plants , these latter would crawl up the now uncovered mountains , and likewise be driven northward to the present arctic shores .
17 A growing range of equipment is available to the cleaner from the more mundane items like mops and buckets to the highly sophisticated , automatic , computer controlled process cleaning systems .
18 The model of responsible party government was born of this experience and it tended to elevate the politics of the moment into a law of nature that has distracted attention from the more fluid aspects of Britain 's political experience .
19 Its Durkheimian origin meant that it suffered at the outset from the more general problems of Durkheim 's functionalist approach .
20 The sport is now obliged to find income from the more normal sources of television and sponsorship , to replace his largely unacknowledged private patronage .
21 The difference of such innovation from the more normal processes of cultural and artistic innovation is — always in degree , often in kind — a matter of origins .
22 Keith was able to appoint officers even to the coveted rank of captain , which was in that period for all practical purposes the ultimate promotion , since admirals were drawn automatically from the more senior members of the captains ' list .
23 But as he prepared to switch from the more austere environs of the Treasury , where he saw out the final 16 months of the last Tory Government , Mr Mellor spoke of the importance he and the Prime Minister attached to encouraging artistic excellence and preserving the national heritage .
24 She added that the festival had been attended by more people than ever before , and that by celebrating it in a smaller town , away from the more sophisticated attractions of Bogotá , the festival had a more genuine , grassroots character .
25 As the story of a collapsing school filled the headlines of press , television and radio , many teachers responded by retreating from the more informal approaches to learning which non-selection at 11 had encouraged , into the safety of more traditional methods .
26 If you find that the results are likely to be disastrous , and that the principles underlying it , which we detect not only from the official utterances of members of the Government but also from the more indiscreet explanations of so-called supporters of the government are pernicious and that the whole matter is one that has never been duly referred to the people of this country , then I venture to say that your Lordships have a clear duty before you — not to decree the final extinction of the Bill — because that is not what we propose , but to insist that before it becomes law an authoritative expression of the opinion of the electors of the United Kingdom shall have reached us with regard to it .
27 The high resolution of SPOT pictures compared with the rival Landsat series is easily apparent from the results of these tests , and from the more novel images of the SPOT simulations .
28 The high-cost economies of the EC can not insulate themselves from the world outside — from the more flexible economies of the Pacific Rim and North America .
29 While we have charted the moves away from the more strident outpourings of the 1979 campaign , within the Conservatives ' law and order strategy over the last decade , it should not be assumed that they will not revert to this rhetoric if the need arises .
30 They contended that pornography , lawlessness and other social disorders have been carried from the more permissive societies of the West , via the mass media , to the countries of the Third World .
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