Example sentences of "she would have [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Hope her mum was n't listening — no , she would 've gone into the kitchen to cook poor Bina a nice meal .
2 Realising this , Lydia decided that she would have to aspire to the other .
3 I think if she had n't gone away at Christmas she would have gone round the bend
4 She tiptoed out , leaving Sally-Anne to fall into a light sleep — but not before she felt a little mean , as she would have said in the USA , about deceiving the good old lady — and Dr Neil Cochrane , of course .
5 Even if cosy was n't the word she would have applied to the conservatory opening out before her she could see it was a little more intimate than the vast medieval refectory in which they 'd previously dined .
6 If the birth of her child was to take place in London as had been arranged , then presumably for some weeks beforehand she would have to remain in the Harley Street flat , kicking her heels or at least suffering the kicks inside her , which she had greatly come to resent .
7 The moment she spoke to Rachel the die would be cast , and she would have to go along the road of sensible health planning and operations and anxieties and reality .
8 To reach the things most useful to defend herself she would have to go near the bedroom and she was still , uncontrollably , backing off .
9 Once , she would not only have poured his coffee for him , she would have spooned in the sugar and stirred it for him , too .
10 She was holding Laura up , because if she 'd let Laura go she would have slumped to the ground .
11 She looked on it , without telling him , as a way of exercising her voice , practising her breathing as she would have done for the stage .
12 Her make-up she had purposely applied slightly more heavily than she would have done during the day , silver-grey shadow adding emphasis to her eyes , a touch of blusher for her cheeks , lipstick .
13 After the door shut behind him , she sat looking at it , wondering what she would have done over the years without him .
14 She was walking too quickly , stumbling occasionally , past long belts like dressing-gown cords hanging from poles , which plucked at her face as she pushed through , straying over a pile of new dyed wool , brilliant and damp , into a glare of sunlight , stepping back from a mule loaded with carpets , bumping into a wall where blue thread ran along from a spinning wheel , guarded from tangling by small boys who pushed at her and muttered and laughed ; she would have grasped at the thin thread to lead her out .
15 However , when his mother , Adele Britton , tried to remove it , she realised she would have to call in the professionals .
16 But , I mean , she 's been down there and must be gone now something has , but I said surely she would have heard from the police if it 'd been
17 Bleakly she wondered what sort of person she would have become by the time that happened .
18 A fleeting thought that soon she would have to return to the real world played at her conscience but as always Fernando 's lovemaking vanquished such uncertainties from her mind .
19 She would have written to the man to protest , but there had been no address , and only when she had power of attorney did she find any link with Venice — the Banco D'Oro .
20 I would have thought if she would have sat in the chair , I mean well she could n't go the week aha I do n't young enough yeah , about a month ago she just peed of somewhere and some , I do n't know , she 's alright , I said yes she 'll be alright , I said I 'm going to start cooking so she said I got to take these Heather , I said well they 'll travel better in there , your father said you know Jane he said if you 'd given her a hand
21 She would have to pass through the parlour to reach the kitchen , an arrangement which had shocked the pampered girl she had been , but it was obviously designed to conserve space in the small house .
22 The back door was barred to her by the people she would have to pass in the kitchen .
23 Louisa was held by those urgent eyes , drawn more deeply than she would have wished into the darkness behind .
24 But she would have woken at the sound of an engine .
25 And she would have to smile at the first question and say , ‘ Oh , no , no , of course lot .
26 For example that of Joe and Biddy which turns out to be a very happy , contented marriage reflecting around home life and this marriage depriving Pip of the chance to propose to Biddy though I think that she would have refused on the grounds that he was still in love with Estella .
27 In order to open the doors she would have to get past the bear , say ‘ excuse me ’ to it , or actually push it .
28 She would have to look at the local papers .
29 Its breath fled outwards into snow-bright dawn and it spat Jezrael through when she would have stuck in the slit .
30 She would have basked in the reflected glory of their marriages ; she could have boasted of her sons-in-law for ever more .
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