Example sentences of "she would [be] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Then she would be comforted by the thought that , once married , lovers lived happily ever after .
2 On the basis of this analysis , a child with severe learning difficulties might have both delayed language , in that she would be functioning at a level below that normally expected for children of her age , and a deficit if her language skills were more severely affected than other areas .
3 He thought it unlikely she would be influenced by the disappointment he had dealt to her plan for a play about the Wall .
4 Silently praying she would be forgiven for the lie , she gave a small shrug .
5 She would be faced with a choice .
6 When she told him she had no intention of coming back and working for him , that her mind was made up and she would be staying with the Miss Cardings until she found other employment , he had became almost pathetic in his pleading : he could n't do without her .
7 I wonder if she has yet worked out that for every douse she has to pull less load ; probably not , or she would be pissing on the wood .
8 One woman explained that before she was married , she would be sent into the capital city " to look for domestic work when the harvest had been poor or some additional expense , such as medicine or a funeral , had to be covered .
9 Now she would be sent to a convent of the same order in Dublin where she would do a secretarial course .
10 She would be dressed in a new cotton serwal with its inches of gold and silver thread at the ankle .
11 Her body was alive , throbbing with pulses she never knew she had , and as she jerked her face away from his she knew he had once again defeated her , outclassed her , and she knew without a doubt that he was right : if there was ever a real fight between her and Damian Flint , he would take supremacy , she would be overpowered by the fierce excitement burning in her now , and he would walk away with victory on a scale she did not dare imagine .
12 She would be lodged in the royal palace within the Tower , with servants a-plenty to serve and chaperon her .
13 I should have knelt beside her and put my arms around her and promised her that she would be freed from the hell of anhedonia , and that there really was a God and that she did have the strength to tear herself free from cocaine , as others had freed themselves , and I should have assured her that there was true happiness without a drug , but I did not know her well enough to embrace her , so I just let her weep as the sun streaked up in glory from the east .
14 She said she sometimes longed to go out , to a disco or an amusement arcade and be with other girls , but her uncle was strict and did n't like her going to those places , and although she was sometimes lonely she could n't stand the thought of going back to that school , especially now she had been away from it for so long because anyway her friends would n't be there any more and she would be treated like a little girl and the things they had to do would seem more stupid than ever because in her uncle s house she was treated like a grown-up , which she was anyway , and she ran the house .
15 She spoke as though she would be acting with the most humane consideration , and even Ella was nonplussed .
16 Rufus took her £40 off her by the reception desk , having set in train the arrangements by which she would be admitted to a fashionable West End clinic , with Rufus , her surgery and her hospitalization ultimately paid for by some provident association to which she and her husband subscribed .
17 They were also told that at 10 o'clock next morning she would be put on a plane back to India .
18 The Galiaras were told that she would be put on a plane at 3.30 pm .
19 She was damned if she would be put through a third degree by this raving lunatic who seemed to have a fixation about someone called Lotta .
20 And told to turn up the next morning , waited another four hours , finally a patient who 'd had an operation for a serious gall bladder operation two days before hand was kicked out of his bed and sent home so that she would be put in the bed , given the operation !
21 When Clare talked to Tess of their future , and the farm they would have abroad , she could hardly believe that she would be going through the world by his side .
22 And she would be left with a bewildering mixture of emotions : shock , hurt , relief , resentment , confusion , anxiety , and a collapse of her fragile self-esteem .
23 Soon , she would be left in the darkness , in the middle of an ocean , thousands of miles from anywhere .
24 Er , but certainly , the there was in , as I say , in my family , there was this , there was , well I mean , I think perhaps , she would be described as a black sheep .
25 She would be occupied in the attic for some time .
26 She knew hat she would be flaunted before the whole of Northumberland if her mother had her way , so , although aware that good form dictated that she should dress down in the country , she took a deep breath and faced the fact that , for their first few outings at least , she would have to wear what Nora called her ‘ dressy ’ clothes .
27 Mrs Beckett , announcing her candidature , said she would be standing on a ‘ modernisation manifesto ’ .
28 Her intervention — after dismissing reports at the weekend that she would be standing for the deputy leadership — will be seen as an attempt to block Mr Gould 's bid for the post .
29 She added that she would be asking for a meeting on Monday with a minister from the Foreign Office .
30 McLeish , shaking his head , rang Catherine and broke it to her apologetically that she would be required for the afternoon .
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