Example sentences of "she had been [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The eight-year-old , who gave evidence by closed-circuit television , said she had been tied to a bed by the men , who wore masks and ‘ did bad things ’ to her after putting Sellotape over her mouth .
2 She had been intended for a respectable life .
3 She also toyed with a book she had been given as a Christmas present , In Tune With The Infinite by Ralph Waldo Trine .
4 And it looked as if she had been stabbed with a weapon that had a central rib ; the wound gaped quite a bit in the middle .
5 If it was being pointed out to her that she had been born to a life of political responsibility and not simply pleasure by one member of the powerful and able house of Guise in France , the message was being reinforced from Scotland by another : her mother , Mary of Guise .
6 She had been born to a life of violence , desperation and death , but she had never believed corpses could walk , manshaped creatures could endure for thousands of years , or that another person 's mind could leak into your own .
7 He studied her a moment , remembering what her cousin , Yin Wu Tsai had said : that she had been born with a woman 's body and yet a man 's soul .
8 She wished she had been born into a different age , an age when women had been allowed to be more than a decorative possession .
9 Eventually she had been sent to a psychiatrist to see if he could help discover the reason for what appeared to be a purely psychosomatic condition .
10 If she had been speaking to a school friend she would have called Brian Daddy but this was not acceptable to Jasper .
11 He further found that she had been lulled into a sense of false security by the hospital staff and been misinformed as to the availability and effect of alternative procedures .
12 She looked back at him and smiled gently , and he saw that she had been writing in a workman-like leather-bound notebook .
13 At the onset she had been referred to a surgeon and had a normal barium enema and chest x ray .
14 She had been referred to a physician the year after surgery with chest and epigastric pain .
15 She had been discovered as a fourteen-year-old Moscow prostitute when she decided to take on the whole of a KGB barrackroom who were in need of relief .
16 She had been hoping for a ‘ jobs Budget ’ to fulfil a great need in East Anglia where there had been a big increase in unemployment .
17 Sophie 's voice dipped in disappointment , as if she had been hoping for a graphic account of overturned furniture and blood on the walls .
18 Killer Clare was looking after Cathy because she had been employed by a home care agency which had n't checked her references — though she was wanted for arson .
19 She had been packed for a day or so , but had realized as she took a last look round that her fridge was still switched on with a bottle of milk inside .
20 ‘ She said she had been locked in a flat in Moston for about a week and had been injected with drugs during that time .
21 This time there was no mistaking the command , but , short of trying out one of the manoeuvres she had been learning in a regular martial arts class , there was n't much she could do about it .
22 She had been adopted as a small child by the counsellor 's wife , now dead — so said my companion , adding that it was well known that she would marry Victor , and so come into a deal of money .
23 One of Phyl 's Plaza chums , Mignon Harman had an unhappy life at this time ; she had been adopted by a doctor and on the surface was a vivacious person spending her time playing cards and laughing with the rest of them .
24 Her life had not been particularly adventurous and at school , where her friend Rosie Fortinbras courted adventure , she had been regarded as a dull girl and a plodding worker .
25 Ms Jackson , a sales representative , alleged she had been assaulted by a man after a motoring incident on the A74 southbound carriageway .
26 She said she had been assaulted by a taxi driver and told me : ‘ It was n't my fault ’ .
27 With a start , he saw that the girl in black underwear was slumped , dead , across a couch and that she had been strangled with a scarf , which was still knotted around her neck .
28 Captain Bob Sclater , the Orkney island 's harbours director , said attempts to refloat the ship would stop until she had been examined by a team of salvage specialists .
29 Det Sgt Pat Lewis , of the child protection team , confirmed she had been examined by a doctor and added : ‘ We will be speaking to her in the morning .
30 She had been living in a hostel for women in North London for the past year and was waiting to be re-housed .
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