Example sentences of "she had see [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She knew Gwen Evans only slightly ; she had seen her at the funeral , and previous to that a couple of times , but the memory stuck .
2 Rachaela thought of the day she had seen her in the snow , the day Emma had bowed out from their lives with urgent smiles .
3 In the life she led it would have been all too easy to succumb to the myriad temptations on offer , but she had seen them for the shallow , worthless things they were , and valued her self-respect too highly to accept dross when she knew she must seek for gold .
4 But she had seen them on the newsreel before the big film , creaking and groaning across the land , their great limbless , legless form crushing and grinding all that was in their way .
5 She had seen them around the hotel for the last five days .
6 She allowed her fingers to roam , her eyes tightly shut , her mind vividly picturing him as she had seen him for the very first time .
7 She had seen him on the telly — he had been on the early evening news tooting his trumpet .
8 She had seen him in the little town so immersed in looking up at the old buildings , that he ran into a lamppost .
9 Four weeks later she had seen him in the cinema queue with another girl , and had perceived that her day was over ; in between , she had known disorientation and obsession , diagnosed her trouble , and felt exhilarated .
10 She had recognised him instantly , though she had seen him in the flesh only once before and that had been across a crowded ballroom .
11 She had seen it on the table on her Wednesday visit and had said :
12 This he read in the lavatory , where she had seen it on the first day .
13 Because he had faith in her — she had seen it in the colours he painted her .
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