Example sentences of "she had [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He had assumed , discriminated , made her feel as if she had to apologise for the way she lived her life , when he knew nothing , nothing of her circumstances or her reasons .
2 He looked at the copper bosom covers she had to wear as a belly dancer — and then at the less than fully-endowed nature of Miss Harris 's bust and said cuttingly , ‘ Which way up are they supposed to go ? ’
3 She had to sit in the waiting-room , on a slippery horsehair sofa , while it was going on .
4 Clare was fired for turning up late after she had to wait for a doctor because Josh had a temperature .
5 Unfortunately , she had to withdraw from the Symposium , feeling that the effort was too much considering the work that she still required to do on her own Flora .
6 But she had to battle for a York neck victory from Satank and trainer Jack Berry said : ‘ She ran well , but looked to be going over the top .
7 She had to live with the memory of the death of many of her fellow-workers .
8 When she married she had to live in the country and , instead of bemoaning what she 'd lost in the way of concerts and the theatre , she enjoyed what was on offer .
9 AS A small girl Arden saw A Flea in Her Ear and knew she had to go into the theatre .
10 I smiled smugly at her because she had to go into the rain and I did not .
11 Her new liver took straight away but she had to go on a ventilator because she was having problems with her lungs . ’
12 She had to go on a bus actually .
13 I 've got this friend who is slim , and she keeps saying she has to go on a diet , so you think : well , if she had to go on a diet , what must I be like ?
14 Nicola had gone out about 9 a.m. saying she had to go on an executive management training course on How to Piss People About in advance of her new job .
15 She suspected that she was pregnant when she began seeing Alan , but this was only confirmed when she had to go for a check-up because Alan had a urinal infection .
16 ‘ Elaine said she had to go for a blood test .
17 She had to go through the ritual of pleading for information while he pretended reluctance , but then he told her what appeared to be everything .
18 Aszal refused to leave her until , he says , at 1 a.m. they were told that she had to go to a detention centre where men were not allowed .
19 She had to go to the jetty in order to steal my speedboat — though , undoubtedly , it was your brother who did the actual stealing . ’
20 Under his gaze she had to go to the sitting-room where she had slept , while he knew why she went and knelt by the sleeping-bag , which was only just out of his line of sight .
21 Paul , her husband , generally left before seven and had lunch out with one of his friends , while she used her free day to take care of a thousand chores more annoying than the duties of her job : she had to go to the post office and fret for half an hour in a queue , go shopping in the supermarket , where she quarrelled with the saleswoman and wasted time waiting at the check-out , telephone the plumber and plead with him to be precisely on time so that she would n't have to wait the whole day for him .
22 She had to go to the Garfield Centre , where she taught one day a week , to see the inmates perform their Christmas entertainment .
23 Well she go Hilda got a baby boy about eighteen month old when I knew her like you know , and er she lived by I think it was I think it was you know and er what happened to her I be I think she had to go in a home or er you see and er baby boy was adopted like , the baby boy that 's about all I know about her that 's about all .
24 She had to drive to the end of the street to turn round ; when she passed Giles 's house on the way back the door was closed .
25 ‘ For the first month she had to sleep on the settee , and I lay on the floor beside her .
26 Esther was allowed home , although she had to return to the hospital every day to breast-feed the baby .
27 But the same year , 465 , saw the biter bit : instead of forcing Athens to abandon an overseas operation to deal with a problem nearer home , that is , a Spartan army menacing the Attic border , Sparta was herself forced to welch on the Thasos offer , because she had to deal with a revolt of the helots at Ithome in Messenia .
28 Once there , she had to gamble on the consulting room being unlocked .
29 Ingrid was in fact twenty-nine , which was young compared with Gesner , but not young for a dancer and she found the routines rather a strain , especially when she had to sing at the end of them .
30 Her toughest assignment turned out to be the anchor-leg of the intermediate girls relay , when she had to put in a spurt to hold off a determined challenge from Middlesbrough .
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