Example sentences of "she had [vb pp] to him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She had explained to him about Flora , thinking that his undoubtedly benevolent heart would be touched .
2 She had explained to him about her mother ; he had met her mother ; he had seemed to size up the problem , had said the right things in his oblique way .
3 That was why she had reacted to him with such ferocity , why she had such difficulty tearing her mind away from him , why she shivered inside each time she pictured his face .
4 What was it she had said to him about the missing family silver ?
5 He had picked her up half-conscious , and while he carried her to the hospital she had clung to him with a pitiful force .
6 And peered into his face , as she had done to him as a child , searching for signs of fever .
7 And she had talked to him about me . ’
8 She had taken to him from the first , and he to her , perhaps , on his part , because she had given him some hot mutton broth and let him eat as much bread as he could manage , which had been half a loaf ; and then she had rigged him out in odd things .
9 Something in her had responded to him from the first moment they 'd met .
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