Example sentences of "she had [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 20–6 Mrs McIver , wife of the Moderator , asked to be relieved of the duty of leader of praise which she had undertaken for the past two years .
2 Of all the advice she had received from the other creatures , taking away the dog 's food was the only one , she decided in the end , that might have a chance of succeeding .
3 This she had painted in a warm red tone , which complemented the dark wood and brass handles of her grandfather 's furniture .
4 After her swim she had sprawled in the hot sun to dry off naturally then dressed and lazily explored the lovely Mediterranean gardens .
5 Following township rumours that the Mandelas had been living apart for some weeks , the Sowetan newspaper said Mrs Mandela continued to live in the mansion she had built in a better part of Soweto but Mr Mandela had moved into a well-guarded home in Johannesburg 's affluent northern suburbs .
6 She had planned on no such thing , but the mere thought of Piers with Nicole had made her see red , and her reaction had made her angrier still .
7 Miss Honey did just that , and within a couple of weeks she had moved into The Red House , the very place in which she had been brought up and where luckily all the family furniture and pictures were still around .
8 Understandably Diana found it hard to concentrate on the cookery course she had enrolled in a few days before her father suffered his stroke .
9 In all her short life Sally-Anne had never before encountered the squalor which she had seen in the few days since she had arrived in these poor streets in the hinterland between London Docks and Stepney .
10 She replied that she had lived in a small group of about 10 people : she indicated the number by holding up both hands with the fingers spread .
11 She has been the guardian of this wishing tree in the English churchyard since anyone alive can remember , though before that , the rumour was that she had lived in a wild state , before the islands were properly civilised .
12 She had lived in the lovely old building for twenty years and never had any desire to leave it or the grounds .
13 But she had lived inside the Dark Realm for many months , she had been forced to see the terrible creatures that hold sway there , and she had been at Medoc 's mercy for all of that time .
14 Calming down , Loretta outlined what she had discovered about the dead man .
15 Eva used much of her material supplementing it as time went by with quotations she had discovered in the local library and the library at the ICO .
16 She had dressed in a vivid red blouse and a loose woollen blue cardigan , and she had tied her long dark hair into a pony tail with an orange scarf .
17 Furious but civil , he had offered to go round to her flat to see her , an offer which she had declined with the first sign of decisiveness she had been heard to display .
18 Her own attraction to Matthew she had pushed to the outermost edges of her consciousness .
19 She knew very little about surgery and nothing about childbirth , but she had a fund of common sense , and the moment she had pushed through the useless , wailing women downstairs , and seen the squalid room in which Dr Neil was working , she had begun to dredge up what little she knew in order to help him .
20 So she had jumped to a few incorrect conclusions about Piers .
21 They fell upon the red hour-glass painted on Big Momma 's abdomen as she swung down a thread of silk and revolved slowly round on the thread until she had landed on a flat shiny surface .
22 ‘ Do n't worry , Matey , ’ he said to her , leaving the room of many memories , putting his arms about her , seeing with new eyes how old she had grown , and that he was all she had , the last of the many children for whom she had cared in a long life of selfless service .
23 They had been down here in Devon for almost two weeks , and already she had fallen under the lazy , carefree spell of the tranquil countryside .
24 He managed to spend the odd hour alone with Grace , who told him she had fallen for a Welsh corporal who had stood on a land-mine and ended up blind in one eye .
25 She had fallen into a deep and dreamless sleep , the first time in a fortnight she had slept so well , when Quinn nudged her awake .
26 They were shadows that she could never have imagined when , as a young girl , she had run along the cold sands of Northumberland and watched the east wind flatten and fold the dunes as she dreamed of a bigger , more exciting world beyond — and away from her mother 's influence .
27 She had run from the exploding craft and collapsed .
28 She was breathing quickly , and I realized she had run by a quicker way to get ahead of me .
29 She had decided against the new silks .
30 Arthur Leopold of County Cork had taken the picture , and the first time Ellie had tiptoed into the bedroom she had stood for a long time staring at the photograph , because it was the first time she had ever seen the likeness of her dead mother .
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