Example sentences of "she had [adv] [vb pp] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She had rarely seen him outside the context of the family .
2 Why , she wondered , when she had effectively let him off the hook ?
3 She thought of the lecture she had just read him on honesty and trembled .
4 She had just taken him to a psychiatrist who among many searching questions had asked the five-year-old : ‘ If your sister is a girl , what is your brother ? ’
5 He was sure that her withdrawal meant nothing except that she was happy and occupied but he felt oddly lonely , as if she had deliberately left him by himself in an empty room .
6 She had often tired him with her chatter , with her bursts of personal revelations , ‘ Today I feel this — yesterday I felt that , ’ but suddenly he wished she would talk to him .
7 Though relieved , and fiercely delighted that she had apparently stopped him in his tracks , Polly was apprehensive about going back up on deck .
8 After all he was doing for her , she had virtually accused him of trying to seduce her .
9 she had ever wanted him to .
10 It was the first time she had ever begged him for anything , but she knew it was likely he could be persuaded with flattery .
11 Until then she had demurely addressed him as ‘ Sir ’ .
12 And she had almost lost him by the attempted theft of his best boots .
13 Like Han Ch'in that time , when she had almost bettered him at archery …
14 She had hardly seen him over the last months .
15 Edward had not come back from the construction firm at David with anything saved up , but then , she had hardly expected him to .
16 In their four meetings she had never questioned him about his job , had seldom mentioned the power station except , as on this afternoon , to complain half seriously that it spoilt the view .
17 She had never visited him in Oxford before ; he had not been alone with her for years — not since the war , not since London .
18 She had never seen him with his hair cut short , and the absence of the red-blond locks made him for a moment unrecognisable .
19 She had never seen him with an umbrella before .
20 She had never seen him in this mood before , but the expression on his face was familiar .
21 She had never seen him in such a rage .
22 With a nervous swallow he bearded the formidable young lady at the desk at the head of the room : she had always struck him as the sort of librarian who would prefer to see all the desks in her domain empty and all the books permanently under lock and key .
23 Until then she had always imagined him to be somehow insubstantial , a shadow of a man .
24 She laughed silently at herself ; she had only known him for a few hours , and here she was , assessing his character as if he were an old and true friend .
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