Example sentences of "she had [verb] with a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But she had lived with a dragon for over ten years , and she had lived in a house filled with strong women , so she knew that there was something very wrong with that scenario .
2 An hour later , the woman who was seen with the child was arrested at Heathrow where she had argued with a cabbie after refusing to pay her fare .
3 Bless the lady : she gave me a large breakfast and then told me she had arranged with a friend who had a car to take me into Lochinver .
4 It was suggested that she hated the wet and dreary Balmoral holidays , that she suffered from anorexia , that she had quarrelled with a number of the Prince 's household and staff , that she was only interested in clothes , that she was a lover of discotheques and neglected her husband .
5 But the same year , 465 , saw the biter bit : instead of forcing Athens to abandon an overseas operation to deal with a problem nearer home , that is , a Spartan army menacing the Attic border , Sparta was herself forced to welch on the Thasos offer , because she had to deal with a revolt of the helots at Ithome in Messenia .
6 Anyone could pat things down , she had said with a toss of all that blonde curly hair .
7 ‘ So long as your prick is n't made of wood as well as ! ’ she had said with a laugh to make him feel easy .
8 Both gentlemen once more glanced round to where the old lady was still staring , but now speaking to Lady Danby , whom she had detained with a hand on her arm .
9 Several years before we saw her , she had gone with a friend to visit the war graves in Flanders .
10 She struggled with the cold fear that had laid its hand on her : she had gone with a man , without protesting , without a single pledge from him , and not a word of kindness , not a promise for tomorrow ; she looked at Sabina 's back in front of her , the pinafore tied behind over her gathered skirt , and imagined her husband 's hands around that still sturdy small of her back , and wondered had she let him do that , do what Tommaso had done , before they were married ?
11 She had danced with a man who had danced with a girl , who had danced with the Prince of Wales .
12 She had dealt with a case of peritonitis in 1995 , and apparently it did n't work out too well .
13 At first she had thought with a shock of fear that it was old age , that old age was like silicon , water-soluble , it flowed into you and as you dried out , it hardened , recasting you in blurred shapes and muted tones .
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