Example sentences of "she had [verb] [prep] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She knew that she was always quietly satisfied to have him in the cottage , to hear his footfalls on the floor above , to share with him the meal she had cooked for herself at the end of the day .
2 Jezrael felt immense , immortal , swelled by the rage at herself that grew when she realized the deaths she had diverted from herself to her friends , to Company enemies .
3 Two or three times a year she exchanged the cushioned existence she had constructed for herself for something different but equally restful , like a prolonged stay at a good hotel in the country or a cruise on the QE2 .
4 She had looked forward to long satisfying talks with him , when she could tell all about her feelings and all the worries she had kept to herself for so long , but it was not easy for Joe to spend time alone with her .
5 She ran , ran from the memory of her own besottedness with this man , painfully aware what a fool she had made of herself before him , how she had opened her heart to him .
6 Up to that time , I do not believe that she had thought of herself as a candidate for the Leadership .
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