Example sentences of "she was [vb pp] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 She was supported by the parents of Lance Bombardier Stephen Cummins as the gun carriage bearing his body moved through Porchester near Portsmouth .
2 She stopped a few feet away , so that she was hidden by the curtains , and fixed her gaze unblinkingly on the long black Mercedes that was heading sedately up the driveway .
3 At dawn , in the lull when even the snipers seem to sleep , Marina was dreaming of death when she was awoken by the screams of a 23-year-old woman , Ziba Islamovic .
4 She was stabbed around the genitals … and needed six stitches .
5 She was stood in the wings refilling the whisky decanter , picturing herself seated at a concert grand on the platform of the Philharmonic Hall — Meredith was in the front row gazing up at her with adoration — when three men walking one behind the other filed through the pass-door into the auditorium .
6 She also knew what was good for herself , so she kept for her own use the money that she was given for the children 's food .
7 Pat Keen says she was invited by the members of the Yoga class she attends to teach them Medau while the teacher was away .
8 In 1845 she was re-registered in the names of a ship-owner , a farmer , a master mariner and a sailmaker , and began a new life in Newcastle upon Tyne .
9 Fairfax says she was killed by the Germans .
10 It was so successful that she was beaten by the authorities for daring to walk where only the rich were permitted to stroll .
11 Again , she was festooned with the contents of the treasure chest — the terrible red leather box .
12 On one occasion she was chased through the streets by a car full of excited young Arabs .
13 She had revealed that she was surrounded by the spirits of her four dead children , her parents , and a host of spirit youngsters through whom she operated when she was on This Side .
14 She was commissioned by the nuns of the local chapter of the Soeurs de Charité Dominicaines de la Présentation de la Sainte Vierge de Tours to paint a series of portraits of their founder , Mère Marie Poussepin .
15 It was early the next day that she was ushered into the offices of Croydon and Cooper .
16 Mrs Thatcher has rightly chosen to focus upon improvement here in her third term , but she is meeting an opposition to change that is more wily than the one she was offered by the miners .
17 She was told by the Polytechnics Central Admissions System , PCAS , that she would breach her contract with them if she joined the Universities Central Council on Admissions , UCCA .
18 Some attempts were made to raise an interest in preserving her but without success and eventually she was towed to the breakers yard at Bo'Ness in July 1977 and broken up .
19 She was glued to the cushions .
20 The truck later delivered this girl to the place where she was dumped on the outskirts of Pontino .
21 Claire was 15 months old when she was admitted to the children 's ward suffering from asthma .
22 She was slashed on the hands as she struggled with him .
23 As she was leaving work , she was taken to the Police Station , where without being cautioned , she was cross-examined by Sergt. Woodhouse .
24 Goddess knew what would happen to hir if SHe was taken by the authorities .
25 Two days later the master reported that she was taken before the magistrates , and was sentenced to three days in the House of Correction .
26 Her voice faltered into silence as she was swamped by the ramifications of the whole distorted story which she had put together .
27 She was helped into the gardens of paradise by a number 33 bus , which had reversed over her while trying to execute a three-point turn outside the Polka Theatre , but some people still claimed that her death was , in part anyway , due to a broken heart .
28 She was awakened in the mornings by cocks crowing , and it was so quiet in the evenings it seemed everyone must go to bed before dark .
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