Example sentences of "she was [verb] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She was transferred to the department last October by Mr Newing after making her formal complaint and is now a detective .
2 She was uncertain whether , at work , she should be denying the rumour that she was engaged to the head of the Massingham empire , but thought that if Naylor had any strong views on the subject she 'd soon be hearing about them anyway .
3 She dropped the bowl that she was using to the floor .
4 During one attack , it is said , she was stripped to the waist and seen by a number of boys and offensive graffiti depicting her appeared on a wall .
5 She was referred to the town 's main fire station where he met sub-officer John Yoxall and had the bracket cut off with a small hacksaw .
6 Stephen Whitley 's widow Constance Whitley , 34 , told Cheshire 's deputy Coroner John Pollard , how she was in their terrace home in Mill Lane , Great Sutton , on the evening of March 4 , when she was alerted to the fire by sounds coming from the garage , a few yards from the house .
7 She was referring to the illness which put him in hospital last year before he was moved out of Pollsmoor to his present quarters , formerly a prison warden 's home .
8 She was referring to the North and South Heys which flowed from their source at Ranlodden Moor towards the six-hundred-foot hills that towered over Heymouth .
9 She was referring to the graze on his knee .
10 She looked away from him , a faint blush beginning at her jawline , and he knew she was referring to the fact that he had not betrayed her , even though he knew she had lied about being with her mother in Wales .
11 He must have known she was referring to the game he was playing with Lotta !
12 She was referring to The Glass key starring Edward Arnold , George Raft and Claire Dodd .
13 Seconds later she was connected to the consultant physician .
14 In 1988 she was called to the bar and now practises in London .
15 She was called to the phone just before breakfast and she knew who it was before she even heard that deep Australian twang .
16 She was tied to the wheel of a chariot and sent down the steep sides of one of the great hills .
17 She tried to stand up , but she was tied to the chair at her wrists and ankles .
18 Jess glanced at Miss Phoebe to see how she was reacting to the bit about niggers .
19 Maybe she was reacting to the challenge .
20 She was pointing to the mug .
21 After the death of Sicily 's most recent king , William II , a dispute arose over the succession , which should have gone to William 's aunt ; she was related to the son of the German Emperor , Frederick Barbarossa .
22 and we were well it was somebody who was a stranger to me but allegedly she was related to the family or something
23 In 1971 I was in command of Venturous when she was sent to the North West Coast of Scotland , a winter patrol specifically designed to keep a check on the foreign fishing fleets engaged in " Klondyking " .
24 For her part in the daring escapade , Flora Macdonald was taken prisoner and , for a year , lay incarcerated on a troopship in Leith Roads in the Firth of Forth , before being taken to London , where she was sent to the Tower .
25 In 1890 she was elected to the school board at Bradford and the West Riding education committee .
26 Then she fell upon him , leaning out and abandoning herself to his grip , throwing both legs up until she was rammed to the hilt of him , and feeling that marvellous pulse as he squandered his month of continence into her , spending on and on .
27 Her two hands went to her face ; then she was flying to the door next to the factory and , hammering on it , called , ‘ Tommy !
28 Jane dreamt she was clinging to the edge of a cliff , and her bank manager was hammering at her fingers .
29 She was clinging to the seat with both hands .
30 She was clinging to the lifeline of Rourke 's feelings for her , and who could say that he would deny her that refuge ?
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