Example sentences of "she and [pers pn] [verb] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She might not volunteer the truth all the time , but ask her and you got a straight answer .
2 He lay beside her and she knew a primal terror , old as hills — older far than the Scarabae .
3 Those dark eyes had softened considerably , but they seemed to be boring into her and she had a ridiculous urge to duck her head .
4 Gran was lovely — I know she was old and had awful clothes , but everyone loved her and she had a lovely face , like a statue . ’
5 The finished brow and eyes leered at her and she imagined a bacchanalian wreath twined in the wisped locks of his hair .
6 The door was opened beside her and she gave a nervous start .
7 The Princess of Wales survives attacks because she is glamorous , lovable , a devoted mother of her two boys , because children adore her and she has a natural affinity with them , and because she bravely enters fields which command respect ( shaking hands with AIDS victims for example ) .
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