Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [vb mod] [adv] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Even the heavy curtain between the galley and Robbie 's cabin could not exclude the delectable smells of crispy fried bacon and eggs — Fen 's favourite standby .
2 A knowledge of the telescope 's direction will then give the positions of the sources typically to within half an arc minute .
3 A resident 's assessment could also take the form of an attempt to quantify the pecuniary benefit of owner-occupation .
4 He said : ‘ Dion 's presence will not affect the pattern of the side too much .
5 ‘ People think we are mad to take on Desert Orchid , especially as Norton 's Coin will probably need the run , but we have nothing to lose .
6 Matlock 's action will not affect the Pistols ' reunion .
7 The Scottish comic 's agent would not confirm the rumour .
8 Polly 's irony could n't smother the pain that lanced through her .
9 It is , of course , highly unlikely that anyone who diverged too far from the Party 's orthodoxy would even reach the TOEFL examination room let alone be awarded a government scholarship .
10 Lord Donaldson MR said at p 609 that dissemination of confidential information knowingly in breach of the plaintiff 's right can not undermine the right itself : it can however affect the remedies available to the plaintiff especially regarding the appropriateness of injunctive relief .
11 Fines of at least £50,000 were being widely predicted yesterday and there was speculation that Wimbledon 's punishment might even top the £75,000 Chelsea had to pay last year after crowd trouble at Stamford Bridge .
12 A prohibition on sales of property without the Secretary of State 's consent would not achieve the desired objective .
13 The question form seems to be seldom expected , and the child 's eye may not catch the question mark at the end .
14 It 's a sad turn of affairs , for while the CCS 's proposals lack any real imagination for dealing with the problem of how to square conservation and recreation interests in sensitive areas , by imposing a broadly English national park model , Mr Lang 's announcement will certainly stifle the real debate once more .
15 The child 's behaviour may then cue the adult as to how successful was the initial interpretation .
16 Valentine 's Day will also mark the fourth anniversary of the fatwa , or death sentence , imposed by the late Ayatollah Khomeini on Salman Rushdie .
17 Like other forms of assessment , this approach has some limitations : a child 's strategy may not represent the most sophisticated available .
18 The builder 's surveyor will either check the information supplied by the sub-contractor or measure the work carried out during the payment period , usually weekly , but occasionally for longer periods of up to a month .
19 The builder 's surveyor will normally remeasure the work executed by labour and material sub-contractors , who may agree the measurements on site or alternatively submit a formal invoice or payment request for the builder 's surveyor to check and approve .
20 The Warehousemen 's and Cutter 's Union might not seem the obvious place for compositors — even women — to find a welcome .
21 Any ruling in Mansell 's favour could only affect the size of his $50,000 ( £31,500 ) fine , Balestre added .
22 We hope that in response to the Motion calling attention to the Wolfenden Committee 's recommendations which Lord Arran is to move in the House of Lords on May 12 , Her Majesty 's Government will now recognise the necessity for this reform and will introduce legislation .
23 Without the foreign exchange , and with continuing but hidden US subversion , Lacidar 's government could not maintain the social reform programme .
24 However , because the ant 's stomach could not digest the meat that the beast caught and ate with its lion-mouth , the mermecolion would swiftly starve and die after birth .
25 A few extracts from Val 's letter will quickly indicate the problem :
26 First , as we have already noticed , Althusser 's account must somehow explain the enormous variety of beliefs and judgments , many of them damaging to the status quo , that are found in capitalist societies ( and others , for that matter ) .
27 ( PS The Editor 's brain ca n't manage the first teaser .
28 The bank in the importer 's country will only release the documents when the importer has paid the bill or agreed a date for future payment .
29 The plaintiff 's solicitor should not overlook the value of gratuitous help given by the plaintiff 's relatives or even friends for which damages can be included in the plaintiff 's claim .
30 What is certain is that the plaintiff 's solicitor must not overlook the provisional damages machinery when advising a client whose medical prognosis is guarded or unclear .
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