Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Despite this allusion to financial gentility , the truth was that Michael Joyce 's income derived from rented property , and from being general manager of the horse trams in Galway .
2 Mr. Steed 's defence served on 16 April 1987 pleaded that the transfer was forged .
3 But secured creditors may not be too happy to see GE 's money spent on unsecured creditors while they lose control of the firm 's smart new jets .
4 A recent ad for follow-on milk , quoting from an article in the British Medical Journal , stated that cow 's milk given at six months caused ‘ subclinical but appreciable gastro-intestinal bleeding in about a third of children . ’
5 1 Carnation Milk is fresh cow 's milk sealed in airtight tins — and then sterilised , that 's why it 's pure and safe always .
6 IF so many countries can pledge troops to help relieve the crisis in Somalia , why is Britain 's support limited to two planes ?
7 Clearly there was not a deliberate act of discrimination here ; nor was the LEA 's decision taken without due regard for educational considerations .
8 The newspaper changed sides and the public 's antagonism changed to vocal support as the safety and environmental benefits became clear for all to see .
9 God 's presence understood in this way led to moral teaching or particular action on behalf of righteousness .
10 ‘ Since you 're having Suzie 's trail pursued with such vigour , perhaps it would be sensible to stay on until my hotel reservation lapses . ’
11 Dr Clark 's jaw put on another yard .
12 Eric 's guitar sounded like two steel rail wagons clanging together in a Chicago freight yard at 4am .
13 The only significant association was an increased risk of leukaemia and non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma associated with first pregnancy .
14 She does not deny the philosophical impetus toward a Horatian retirement , but suggests that garden retreats often had less to do with spiritual delights than with ‘ the bodily and social pleasures of a fashionable men 's club transposed to rural surroundings
15 Daily total caloric requirements were calculated from Long 's equation modified for ideal body weight .
16 Jacqueline 's weight dropped from 10 stone to just over 4 and a half stone by the time of her death on December 23rd last year .
17 Pensioner 's car hit at eighty miles an hour .
18 Roman 's mouth twisted in wry amusement .
19 Barzel 's attempt failed by two votes and there were accusations of bribery being used to achieve the result .
20 Their only child , Marie , was named in her mother 's testament written on 31 May 1719 .
21 A strip of electrician 's tape stuck round both sides of the base to make them waterproof and they 're ideal for bringing on any bulbs destined for the windowsill .
22 The star attractions included Chris Barber , Johnny Dankworth and the Clyde Valley Stompers , the St John 's Ambulance dealt with 22 cases of wasp stings , there were no reported rucks between rival gangs of trad and modern jazz-heads , and the sun actually shone .
23 God 's plan unfolded by distinct stages corresponding to the sudden introduction of entirely new forms , not by a gradual ascent of the organic scale .
24 By the year 2030 , the Authority 's projection increased to 426 GW of nuclear power , the vast majority coming from fast reactors .
25 For a second Lindsey stood unmoving as Niall 's gaze swept with slow appreciation over her body , taking in every curve which , she realised , blushing hotly , must be emphasised beneath the damp robe .
26 Running well in the race , just behind Regazzoni , first Hunt 's engine faded for three seconds , stranding him behind Depailler , and then two laps later , when he was trying to overtake Depailler on the outside , Depailler moved over and blew Hunt into the wall .
27 Deng reportedly also said that events in Eastern Europe had been a result of Gorbachev 's influence combined with weak leadership in the countries concerned .
28 A statement issued by the Higher Women 's Council called upon all women to unify their efforts within the unified women 's councils in various locations .
29 Following these now disregarded signs of past activity along the old path , I traversed the hillside and came down to a crumbling stone sheepfold with the roofless remains of a shepherd 's hut built into one wall .
30 Two minor points need to be noted — firstly that Charles himself was , in April 1660 , already dating documents ‘ in the twelfth year of our reign ’ , and secondly that although his father 's sovereignty terminated on 30 January ( 1649 ) , his own did not begin as though immediately following .
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