Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 While supporting the general thrust of the strategy and its emphasis on the importance of transport to the regeneration of the regions , the CIT 's response also comments on the absence to date of an effective structure that could apply any available EC funding and carry a regional strategy forward , as well as on the need both for considerable investment in public transport and for the best use to be made of the existing transport infrastructure in serving proposed strategic development sites .
2 The real basis of the Conservative government 's case then turns on the proposition that taxation is bad for the economy whoever levies it .
3 Taheb 's skin still crawled from the scribe 's touch .
4 Several details have been omitted and I shall say nothing about the way Venus and the Sun move around their orbits , except that the point O on Venus 's orbit always lies between the Earth ( E ) and the Sun ( S ) , that V moves around O , and O and S move around the Earth .
5 ( Yet again it must be said — an argument which does not directly arise out of a golden thread approach but which is pertinent here — the two passages in the new testament which speak of women 's subordination both rely on the Genesis account of creation and fall , an account no longer valid in a post-Darwinian age . )
6 Renee had replied with the most perfect right cross to the seaman 's jaw ever seen in the pub , or outside for that matter .
7 The friend replies that it was A. For Wigner the electron 's wavepacket then collapses into the state in which the spin is definitely " up " .
8 The Sun 's headline also focusing on the victim produces a different slant , for Hitch-girl ‘ spurned sex' again hints that ‘ hitch-girls ’ are normally willing partners .
9 Sam 's mind quickly returned to the last time he had seen Clare , when she had returned early from the beach to find Sam in their bed , and not alone .
10 The court heard several witnesses say they saw Mr Austin 's car suddenly swerve to the right in the outsidfe lane , then violently to the left and into the front of the bus forcing it off the carriageway .
11 The advisory committee 's recommendation now goes to the ESA 's science programme committee , representing the scientific communities of its 13 member states , which meets in early June .
12 The Company 's management evidently came to the conclusion that the only effective way to avoid the expense of lifting the rails , was to come to a speedy agreement with the L.C.C .
13 The Doctor 's gaze momentarily flickered across the room , but too fast for Bernice to tell who he was looking at .
14 It is not surprising that Nizan 's gaze eventually alighted on the French communist party , a source of ideological certainty , a small community defending itself by rigid discipline against the fluidity , compromise and unreliability of centrist politics in Third Republic France .
15 THE expression ‘ nosey parker ’ has often been linked to people of that name but the epithet 's origin actually lies with the Hyde Park rabbits and the Great Exhibition .
16 Such a combination made Magritte 's work immensely appealing to the Pop Art movement and to the advertising industry , to the artist 's continuing annoyance .
17 The largest exhibition of Matisse 's work ever opens at the Museum of Modern Art , New York , this autumn ( 24 September-12 January 1993 ) .
18 In the event , Wesley Smith 's portrait WO N'T be hanging next to Sean Connery 's in an exhibition of Peter 's work now showing at the Link Centre .
19 Then Handlebar 's cock suddenly jumped into the air , flew the distance that separated it from its rival and came down on the darker bird with its neck arched and talons open .
20 We had discussed this business of how people 's appearance literally alters in the eyes of their lovers , and suddenly I blushed , for it seemed to me he must be remembering this too , and that we must be looking for the same thing , as one might take down an old book in a moment of hungry nostalgia and start to re-read , hoping it may provide the same remembered enchantment as before .
21 So I returned to the laboratory , where the pieces of the woman monster 's body still lay on the floor .
22 Groping for the light switch , whose position he had not yet memorised perfectly , he saw the evening 's post still lying on the table in the hall where he had put it before he came out .
23 Wordsworth 's name soon doubled with the Lakes in the titles — The English Lake District as interpreted by Wordsworth appeared in 1874 , and in 1911 Eric Robertson produced a book simply called Wordsworthshire — the final apotheosis !
24 The mill 's name clearly originates from the early 1720s .
25 He noted my suggestion and D'Oliveira 's name duly appeared in the next Honours List with , I think , an OBE.
26 The Halifax 's name always remains in the frame as a conversion possibility .
27 After the country 's first multiparty elections of April 1991 , a People 's Assembly still dominated by the Albanian Party of Labour ( PLA — later to become the Socialist Party of Albania — SPA ) had returned Alia to the renamed post of President of the Republic [ see pp. 38160 ; 38208 ] .
28 Grimacing in distaste , the Doctor lifted the man 's jacket aside to reach into the inside pocket , the flesh underneath giving way with the unnatural softness of rotting fruit .
29 Sunlight beat down on them , now the tall mahogany and fig trees were thinned around ; the ferns shrivelled in the shafts ; animals which had wandered in and out of Sycorax 's compound now watered in the creek further upstream , and avoided the company of men .
30 Henderson 's theory therefore centred on the belief that a lack of social relationships is atypical , that an inability to form social ties is disadvantageous , and the loss of or non-availability of important others likely to be emotionally distressing ( Henderson , 1974 ) .
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