Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [was/were] [vb pp] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Philip Miller 's appreciation was summed up in the Abridgement of 1754 , where he considered roses to have
2 For a subject search , the words of the user 's search were looked up in an index containing words from title-like fields and subject headings , and from corporate names .
3 Tilda 's mind was made up in favour of the New World .
4 Until 1892 Townsend 's practice was made up of minor domestic and ecclesiastical work , but in that year he won the competition for the design of the Bishopsgate Institute , the first of the three outstanding public buildings that were to make his reputation .
5 in the ‘ balanced aquarium ’ system , the nitrogen compounds produced by the fish 's metabolism were taken up by plants , and nitrate levels in the water would be kept low .
6 Ted 's monologue was kept up against the background sounds of the creaking of leather upon leather and the calls of the woodland birds .
7 Hours later Mr Elton 's body was washed up on a beach at Climping , two miles away .
8 Private Roger Morrison 's body was washed up on a Morroccan beach 10 days ago after his speedboat had been fired on by local police .
9 Dennis Garvey 's body was washed up from the sea four days later .
10 Consideration of the franchise bad followed Unionist demands for votes for servicemen , and a Speaker 's Conference was set up in 1916 , with the Unionist members led by Sir William Bull and Sir Harry Samuel .
11 The waxing and waning of the ice sheets lowered and raised sea level as more or less of the water on the earth 's surface was locked up in them .
12 Wright 's sting was picked up by officials at Equity & Law when they noticed a sudden change in his lifestyle .
13 Freud 's theory was taken up by the French structuralist , Claude who developed it into a cultural determinist theory , which said that er , animals commit incest , human beings do n't .
14 All was safely gathered in and Mr and Mrs Squirrel Nutkin 's hoard was laid up for winter 's sustenance .
15 The magnitude of Crawford 's performance was summed up by Sheridan Morley in The Tatler : ‘ In the end it is Mr Crawford 's evening : he turns in the kind of all-singing all-dancing performance that legends are made of , and the kind that an English actor has n't achieved since Buchanan in the 30s . ’
16 Frank 's idea was taken up by Andrei Sakharov in the USSR .
17 Captain Schott 's party was picked up by Timpson on the night of 13 July , but Warr 's failed to arrive .
18 Duthie ( 1970 ) , in studying the teacher 's day , estimated that about one-third of a teacher 's time was taken up with duties of a non-professional nature which ‘ auxiliaries ’ could undertake .
19 At Grange Park , Hampshire , built c .1670 for the lawyer , Sir Robert Henley , Samwell 's house was swallowed up by the neo-classical remodelling by William Wilkins [ q.v. ] , but despite alterations and the threat of demolition , the shell of his house substantially survives , concealed within the later work .
20 In 1950 , when the Haskin 's Laboratory was set up at Yale University , it was thought to be a 5 year project to produce a box which could perform these two computations .
21 Rodriguez 's face was screwed up with pain as the grip of that dummy hand on his arm forced his body slowly sideways towards his seat .
22 The operator 's face was screwed up in concentration , one hand clamped to his left ear plug as he manipulated the dials of the set .
23 It would be wrong , however , to think that Callaghan 's speech was dreamed up on the spur of the moment , in an attempt to steal some of the educational clothes of his political opponents .
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